There are many people over the years who have made significant contributions to the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team races. Who have worked behind the scenes to make sure that all the runners are served in the best possible way and are able to have a positive experience. The team simply would not be able to function without the selfless service of many. Vajra is just one of those such people. His dedication and commitment to the multi day races is extraordinary.
Here at the 3100 mile race he has been one of the early set up people since the very first race. Up before dawn and patroling the course and collecting trash in very large garbage bags. He is always smiling, always gracious, and willing to do just about anything that needs to be done. In particular over the last 3 plus weeks he has massaged Kobi every morning.
What’s more he has talked to Kobi at length and made suggestions and given him tips and advice, crucial to a runner who is now plunging into a whole new world of endurance running.
As we are talking this morning I can’t help but notice he is carrying a mechanical counter in his hand. Vajra tells me that for the past few weeks he has been chanting a mantra and uses it to keep track. He never pauses idle in his inner quest for God.
“In those early days I realized that there was something about this path that answered what I wanted to do most. Love, with all my heart, soul, and physical God. I found I was able to do that on this path.” Vajra says that the love evolved into something even deeper and more fulfilling. “I want to be able to do this throughout my spiritual life.”
Vajra describes how often we are required to do things that outwardly we may not at the time appreciate. It is only later that we realize the positive affect these actions will yield surprising results. “You will end up finding something that helps you in every way.”
He says being part of the races has, “opened up many doorways. It has made me realize that for every challenge that has been presented to me. I have overcome them and in turn become a better person. It’s a big thing in this life.”
“Not only to be a better person but also to become what your creator wanted you to be.”
“I wake up in the morning with this tremendous inner urge to start the day. It’s a wonderful feeling. It makes you feel like your life has significance, and you are doing what you are here to do. What the creator has asked you to do. You can’t beat that.”
The Board at the start of Day 24 *please note totals may have not been update…….magic number is 1,370.8*
Alternate side parking
Empty tables
It is going to be hot