As Smarana heads into his 13th day on the course I ask him if he has had to once again change plans. I quiz him whether he is moved on from his first plan and started to skip through the various letters of the alphabet. He has been going through some major blister issues over the past few days.
“Well plan A always has to be elastic. Otherwise it is going to be tough here. If you stick to preconceived concepts”
“I would really like to speak about the oneness aspect of the race. Due to some technical problems we didn’t get any messages via the Marathon Team website. At least ones from Austria, I don’t know why. We didn’t get any messages so I just surrendered. I just let it go.”
“Then they started using a different web account and messages started to come. It made such a difference.”
“Sometimes you get lost in details. The lap becomes very small, your world. Then you have to broaden your perspective again. It was so helpful to get the messages. My helper (Horst) even had tears. It was a touching thing.”
“I felt the oneness energy, the one big family. There is an exchange of energy. I give something to them and they give something to me. It is something very nice.”
“Once a reporter from France was here and I asked him to come around with me and do a lap. Then I asked him, what do you think about the race and he said, you are crazy. I tried to explain to him but he just didn’t get it. Then a film maker named Matt read this article and said I have to come here and I have to make a video. This is the race. This is the place to be.”
So it is like there is so much in this race. Some feel it or get it, and for some it is difficult. The lap is neutral. It is always here. It can become a path of tears and joy, sorrow and delight, whatever. It just unfolds.”
“It is so intense here because of the time pressure. It makes it very condensed. But even every day life gets intense sometimes. But here you can go through a lifetime. Everything is compressed and condensed and very very fast.”
“In the beginning it is always shaky. Your body is being beaten up and thrashed but then you get stronger. Your focus improves and your mindset gets stable. You can say, get in the groove.”
“Horst has done a really good job with my blisters. He is a carpenter and set up a table at his home to set up a working station. He did research and now we are finally nailing the problem and it is great.”
“This is where you can really learn how to savor the moment. Because when you are in the past it doesn’t help you and future is obscure anyway. You can make your plans and go down the alphabet and then end up at z. Sometimes you just let go and then in the evening you miraculously you just have your miles.”
“But if you stay in the mind and say 1 plus 1 equals 2 then you can’t work it out. Once you let go it is all just happening.”
“In the last few days I really had issues with blisters. And I said O boy, then I just let go. Then in the evening I had my miles. It was just like a miracle.”
The vision of a oneness-family
Will one day cover
The length and breadth
Of the world.