She has run with exceptional courage and tenacity. 44 year old Kaneenika Janakova is an incredibly gifted multi day runner, but now with just 5 days to go, it looks as though she will not make it to the peak of the 3100 mile mountain.
She is heart breakingly close, and all those who care and support her are as one. All collectively feel the ache of watching a champion just miss what she has set out to do.
But like all great atheletes and also, like all exceptional spiritual seekers, Kaneenika every day now demonstrates a bravery and volcanic tenacity that is truly inspiring and uplifting. On this bare stage of hard concrete she just keeps going forward.
We who watch cannot really imagine just how much effort she puts into each painful stride. Each step now though taking her further into the illumining realm of self transcendence. Where the true goal is not about something outer, like numbers but is something instead that is discovered and revealed only within us when we seriously strive for it. Something attained only when we give our all, like Kaneenika has for the past 47 days.
Kaneenika has received lots of help this race. She freely admits that all her helpers have been indispensable. “Definitely the helpers are very essential in a race like this. This race is not just about the runner. It is team work. You really need a team of people to do this race. They are definitely running with me.”

“I knew it would be hard. I never thought it would be easy. They are never easy these races. I didn’t think it would go this way. What happened happened. I just have to surrender.” (she smiles)….she ran 54 miles yesterday and now has 2779 miles
“I am getting all kinds of emails from people, since the beginning of the race. Maybe people don’t realize, but each message that people send is almost like a magic pain killer, and energy booster. Every time I read an email, particularly when I was in trouble for example. ( my foot or blisters or I had no energy)
“After I read the message I just went on. Definitely people who are sending or even if they are not sending messages. I know they are thinking of us and they are praying for us. That is very important.”

When asked how she views the course which she has circled 5064 times in the past 47 days. “I think it is already different. In the morning when I am approaching the course in the car. I just feel……it is just so sacred. You cannot really describe it. It is definitely special and divine. There is so much happening on each level.”
“I had a really hard time after my fall, and the injuries that came. It was hard for me to get back to my source. Than Guru actually tricked me. Somehow I thought I shouldn’t be listening to any other music than Sri Chinmoy’s music.”
Kaneenika than describes an incident when she was listening to her mp3 player and accidentally hit the wrong button and something else began to play.

“Different music came on, and I started laughing. I think that was the point when I released whatever was inside that I was holding to. So I thought that Guru had tricked me. Than I realized that it is okay to also listen to other music.”
Than I was listening to something else and I had an experience. I saw a screen with a movie playing and it was showing when I first came to become a student of Sri Chinmoy. I saw the poster. I saw the first function with Sri Chinmoy when I came to New York. Everything was playing in front of me. I just felt so much gratitude. Since than I think something really changed in me.”

“I know that the numbers are not important. What is important is what consciousness we are in.”
When asked what she will feel about day 52. “I think I will be happy but at the same time there will be sadness. Because this is my life now. Every morning I am thinking. My God I hope this is the last morning. But once it is over there will be something missing in my life.”
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