“I have got a present for you, it is from Australia.”
2 nights ago while Grahak was running on the far side of the course a friend of his came by on a bicycle and told him this.
At this point he had been on the course for close to 14 hours and run about 60 miles in that time. For the past 40 days his world has been focused entirely on nothing but the confined dimensions of this New York City block.
At hearing this news he gets excited……”O, it is licorice!”
“No. It’s a lot better than that.”
“O, it is chocolate.”
“No. It’s a lot better than that.”
“I got up to the counting area and my Brother was there. And it was just so nice to see him. I had no idea. I shed a tear. I hugged him like I never have before. Some people said I was pretty low key. But I was pretty emotional. It was such a nice surprise. So good having him here. He is an excellent helper and he gives Satyakarma a break.”
The sudden surprise appearance of Ian will always be a wonderful memory for Grahak as he looks back at this race in the days, months, and years to come. He has of course 10 other brothers who may not share his looks or his DNA but they are brothers just the same.
Their lives and dreams so intimately connected. Their singular collective pursuit of an impossible goal. A journey they share and take together. One that may not have a finish line for each who runs here but no matter. There will be a divine victory nonetheless for each and every ceaselessly moving member of this Self Transcendence family.
“We all feel like we are one out here. We all have this common goal, and we all want to get to the finish of the distance. When one gets there it is inspiring for everyone.”…Grahak
The ancient dream of cooperation is not just a human dream that has nothing to do with reality. This ancient dream is not a dream at all, but a faultless and divine vision – an unhorizoned vision that is slowly, steadily and unerringly shaping our individual and collective destiny as humanity marches towards its supreme goal of universal oneness and transcendental newness.