Coming back to the race this year for the 4th year in a row Kannenika has a hard act to follow. Last year she set a new women’s record for the distance at 48 days and 14 hours. She broke the previous record set by Surasa by 17 hours. At age 48 she could easily have retired with her phenomenal record.
That of course is not what thr self transcendence 3100 mile race is all about, nor is it in the heart of Kaneenika not to keep trying to transcend challenges with every effort of her being. It is not for nothing that she just so happens to be wearing a shirt today that has lettered across its front, Never Give Up. When asked whether she struggled to make up her mind to come she replies, “It was the clearest decision in years.”
Of course that is not say that little doubts didn’t nibble around the edges as the race drew near. “I feel those moments.”
After 9 days of running she has accumulated 535 miles. When asked if she has got into the flow of things just yet she laughs and suggests it will take as much as another week to toughen herself to the hard concrete sidewalk. She says however that recovery from the race last year was not too bad. “I think it was my best recovery.”
Her training over the past year she says was interrupted by illness now and then.
Asked about setting the course record she humbly replies, “I don’t think that it was me who broke the record. I don’t claim it. It was given to me.”
She says the most important result of taking part in these incredibly difficult endurance races is, “I feel that I am getting closer to my soul. Closer towards what my soul wants me to do, or what my soul wants me to become. This is the way for me to make spiritual progress.”
“When it is hard it forces you to go within and ask for help. This is the opportunity to rely more on your inner source.”
The board at the start of Day 10
Kobi and Yolanda share a selfie