“Like a Deni-God, a chariot, coming in sunshine, in God’s glory. Very Uplifting. It was really nice.”……Sarvagata On seeing Grahak’s finish
“I have learned a lot from Grahak. I admire his qualities as a runner and as a person. Ideally we run our own races. I run my race and he runs his race, but somehow together it is one race. We are working as a team. We benefit from each other. I like this race. This very race I have learned a lot. I will be better next race…..definitely.”

Yesterday Grahak was embraced and greeted by all his brothers at the finish line. It is a meaningful and heartfelt tradition that has spontaneously existed when each runner crosses over the line for the last time. It makes no difference if the runner is first like Grahak was or if they be the last one to do so. Each will in turn salute and honor the runner who has just completed his journey here.

The crowd near by will cheer, sing, and ring bells, but it is not the same. For it is only the other runners who have truly and totally shared in this glorious adventure, and who can grasp the full measure of what it took to get there. How each day was a battle but one in which the enemy did not exist on the course beside them but only within themselves.
Our true foe is our own ignorance and it is in and through this divine field of battle, the 3100 that 12 warriors relentlessly attempt to conquer the slow and resistant nature that sits dormant and reluctant within us all.
Here as each mile is struggled for, and grudgingly attained, an inner fight and journey exists simultaneously. One that does not end at the finish line, but instead ,will be complete only when we can make our way to the doorstep or our very own perfection.
When I witnessed this moment I knew that something more was taking place here than meets the eye. For unlike any of the others, these 2 were for almost 2000 miles of the race running so closely together in terms of mileage that there must have been times when each must have felt the presence of the other, like a constant phantoms at their sides. Subtly pressing, coaxing and prodding them on.
On the outer plane this was visible in the slender wobbly gap between the two that shriveled and shrank to little more than 40 miles. Within though was a mutual love, admiration, and oneness. A bond that respectfully challenged the other to do more, to give more, to reach ever deeper within themselves to reveal all the hidden capacity each treasured. And ultimately to fly higher than each would have ever dared to reach for alone.