“The way to the goal is more important than the goal itself. At least I feel it like that. I am always happier with the experiences I get while I am here than at the finish.”….Pranjal
This morning Pranjal started running here with just 42 more miles to go. By early evening he will reach the finish line and there will be a small celebration in his honor. He will be happy and he will smile and he will be polite to the little boisterous gathering of supporters as they throw confetti, ring bells, and sing songs.
But in that instant that he breaks the ribbon and reaches the goal of 3100 miles, one part of him will gratefully sit down, to cheers and applause while another part of him continues on, though we cannot see this taking place. His physical being has gone as far and as hard as it could possibly run here. He is tired and he has sacrificed and given up all that he could possibly do.
Within however is quite a different reality. His inner being does not need rest, or acknowledgement, or aide. At least not any kind our physical universe has to offer. On the inner journey he takes there is no hesitation, rest, or detour, not until the true inner goal is one day reached and realized. His commitment to this journey is remarkable in many ways. For proof you only need be here tomorrow when he will once again show up and run a few more miles. It is an unshakeable pattern that he has maintained now for years. To run every day, no matter what, a streak that he has strictly maintained for years.
Then if you simply add up all the miles he has run here over 8 summers it would just about take you all the way around the world. How far he has inwardly traveled is not up for discussion. It is an experience that he shares only with the inner pilot who does not cease to call out and inspire him, just as Pranjal does not ever hesitate to answer by moving ever onward.
Life and sports cannot be separated; they are one. As a matter of fact, life itself is a game. This game can be played extremely well, provided the player develops consciously or unconsciously the capacity to invoke the transcendental energy which is always manifested in action.
In the life-game, each soul is running consciously or unconsciously toward the goal of inner perfection. There is not a single individual who has not left the starting point. Now, one individual may be behind another in the Godward race, but all are making progress and running toward the same goal.
ri Chinmoy, The Outer Running And The Inner Running, Agni Press, 1974.