The full scripts of each of our lives are impossible to predict. Seldom if not not ever do we ever really know just what will happen next. The great scribe of life no doubt knows but it cannot be revealed to us until the moment passes and the page is turned. I had made an assumption that after a 5 years absence Stutisheel would unlikely ever run in the Self-Transcendence race again. I was wrong.
He has been running now for 6 days and in that time he has accumulated 352 miles. When asked if ever had any doubts that he would ever return again and run the race he laughs. For him it was absurd to imagine that he would not come to back and perch himself every morning at 6am on the starting line. It was just a matter of all the right bureaucratic planets to lining up. Whenever that took place he would be able to return to New York and run this race for the 13th time.

I am clearly not a great prognosticator. At this point, I would now hazard to guess that his Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race days are far from over.
The history of his life and his family are so closely intertwined with the race that at age 51 he has a lot of races yet to be run. His is an inspirational life with a message that has reached out to many far and wide promoting tirelessly self-transcendence.
Some precious moments
