I am not sure how long ago I first started keeping my fingers crossed and mumbling little prayers, hoping that Ananda-Lahari not only completes the full distance but also sets a new record for himself in the process. It has also occurred to me that there are likely others whose twiddling fingers are as agitated as my own and whose lips are continuously quivering.
The odd thing of course is that the runner in question isn’t the least concerned about our worries for him. He is not worried at all. When asked if he can feel the finish line’s call yet he says he doesn’t even know how far away it is. “It is only today. I know I have to focus on one day.”
Ananda-Lahari is a world class smiler and I ask him if he ever has to work at it. “Yes I have to. Especially when my stomach is messed up and I am not smiling. Then I know, even if I force myself to smile then it will get better. It is not a fake smile. You just start smiling. Focus on I want to smile. I want to be happy.”

Ananda-Lahari is not completely unaware of how close he is to setting a personal record. “I just can’t influence if I will make the record or not. But it is nice to hear that I can do it.” He feels he simply has to continue on and do his very best every day.
“I didn’t know how many times I would come to the race. I just wanted to come as many times as possible.”

“I would say in general, on days I feel weak, then everything slows me down.” He says it can be heat, rain, or humidity if he is weak then he will be affected. “Once you feel strong then nothing slows you down.”
“I guess every moment is a mediation here. But consciously of course it isn’t. I talk, I eat, and there are times when I am not focused. But I guess every step here is meditation in action.”
Continue reading “Day 44…Sweet Days and Bitter Days (July 29 )”