June 17: Eternity’s Race

If you could somehow acquire or shop for all the essential human elements you needed to run a race like this, most of us would probably create long lengthy well thought out lists .  Abundant strength, endurance, and energy would probably be at the very top of most people’s page.  I know those are things I would like to have with me in my tank for those long 52 days on the road. On the surface there are some things that are just plainly obvious.


It doesn’t take running very many miles for each one who participates here to suddenly encounter the shocking realization that they simply do not have enough of what they thought they had accumulated enough of in training.  Or more enigmatically, they conclude that they could use a whole lot more things that were not even included in their original planning and preparation.

When your energy seems to have evaporated  away like the last wisps of steam pouring out the spout of a hot dry kettle.  Or you simply begin to feel the inevitable first annoying growls and bites of pain and fatigue. What also becomes more clear as well  is just how important are the subtle parts of us are.  The unquantifiable aspects of who we are and how much we need them when things get really tough.  The ones that are hard to measure but crucial when it appears to be just so incredibly difficult, if not impossible to keep moving forward.

The powerful, yet subtle essential aspects of ourselves, like a positive attitude and enthusiasm.  Just how do you continue to motivate yourself through all the difficulties and disappointments that will surely come up during the race.


Snehashila has come by this morning just as she has done most days of the race over the past 17 years.  In the early days she would make it part of her daily running schedule.  Now her pace has slowed to a pace, that could be more politely described as that of a brisk walk.  She is one of those rare individuals who took up the sport of distance running late in life.

Sometime around age 50 she started to run marathons, which now she can’t recall just how many.   Despite all kinds of reasons not to, she continues to happily keep exercising every day, even now as she is closing in on the 90th lap of her own life.  If you want to look towards someone whose enthusiasm and love of life and even transcendence has never faded or dimmed it is Snehashila.


“I can’t stay away.  These people are like divinities brought down on earth for these few weeks.  Each time I come I get stronger and stronger.  I can’t tell you the name for it, but I can tell you that it makes me very very happy.”

“You know no matter how I feel.  No matter what my feeling is there is such a pull to come here every day.  I am so grateful that I am able to keep moving.”

Photo by Maral
Photo by Maral

These long distance races remind me of our Eternity’s race.

Along Eternity’s Shore we are running, running, running.

We are running and running with our birthless and deathless hopes.

We are running and running with the ever-transcending Beyond.

Sri Chinmoy, The inner meaning of sport, Agni Press, 2007

Continue reading “June 17: Eternity’s Race”

June 16: Far Beyond

We really know so little about most of the runners who started out on this great adventure a little more than 24 hours ago.  At the very least we can read a few sentences in the bio section of the race program.  Most often we simply look up at the results board and take some small measure of their accomplishments, at least to that moment in time.

Yet so much of who and what they are we do not know or can ever really appreciate.  As the race evolves we all gradually can catch glimpses of at least some of the pain and joy each is experiencing along the long hard way.  But so much about these runners remains enigmatic and sometimes a little unreachable.  Everyone is entitled to their privacy even if they are on public view for 18 hours a day.



The first time William Sichel came to run a Sri Chinmoy marathon team race was in the spring of 2012.  At age 58 he was on a serious quest to attain the holy grail of Scottish distance running and still the oldest untouched record in the world.  Standing remote, and seemingly unattainable after 130 years was the Scottish 6 day record set at Madison Square garden in 1882, of 567 miles.  Set by a man oddly named Noremac ( Cameron spelled backward…. which he thought there were already to many of).

With the capable assistance of his handler Alan Young, he managed to complete 461 miles, a great accomplishment but not what he had sought.  He said at the time, “I think I will remember this as very very hard probably one of my toughest ever 6 day races.   (this is number 5) “They threw everything at me.  As you can hear I have an infection and some very tough opponents as well.  Put that into the mix and made it a very very hard race.  So to come out with a podium position I take that as a bonus.”

Back in the Spring of 2012 William was 58 years old.  Noremac, the man who made set the record had been much younger and accomplished the feat on an indoor track, and did not have to contend with the cold, the wind, and the rain of Flushing Meadow, though there was lots of betting going on back then.  When William left New York that cool spring day he had his eyes now set on another goal.  One that was going to be incomparably and supremely more difficult to accomplish.  That was his running of the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race.


In the soft brightness of dawn he prepares himself to run on this his second day here, in those dim precious minutes before 6am.  He quietly moves about his table with precision and calmness, organizing all his bits and pieces, which aren’t many.  He has no helper for this race, at least for now.

Many of the other runners are a generation younger than he, who turned 60 on October 1st last year.  His small slender frame and curly brown hair give no hint at his age or more importantly, just what an incredible athlete he is.  For William just may be the greatest multi day runner that the United Kingdom has ever produced.  But he is just the quiet and humble kind of man who is comfortable and at peace with himself. He is not interested in promoting and talking about all the things that he has done.  For now you can see he is more interested on focusing all his thought and energy instead on what he has in front of himself right now, running the longest certified race in the world.

With just a few key board clicks however all that  William has attained over an impressive career can be revealed.  In all his years of competitive running he has accomplished a truly illustrious resume of ultra running achievements.  To date he has achieved 95 records, which are recognized as Scottish, or UK, or even World records.   When he completes the 3100 mile record, some time still a long way off right now.  He will not only be the first person from Scotland and the UK to do so, he will also be the first person at the age of 60 in the world ever to accomplish this feat.

After which he doesn’t plan on taking it easy any time soon, because before he reaches age 65 he is challenging himself to complete a grand total of 165 records.


Early this morning I jog beside William as he moves along with his light economical whisper soft strides.    It is a little after 7am, a crazy time for most interviews, but kind of par for the course if you are a multi day athlete on the course for 18 hours a day, and also one who ran 71 miles the day before.  For someone who has accomplished as much as he has in his running career he is incredibly modest and thoughtful.  He describes that just to get to the starting line here was a real accomplishment for him.

He is also using the race here this summer to help raise money for a charity that helps those with cancer in North East Scotland.

Click to See Charity Site:

Just Giving

“I said before I came, just to stand on the starting line I needed a medal. (laughs)  Stapling my name to the starting list was an undertaking.”  For like all the runners he also had to organize in advance for 2 whole months of his life.  “So that you can disappear.  That was all part of coming here.”

Another interesting aspect as well about William Sichel is also where he comes from.  Like many of the runners here from foreign lands, running the 3100 mile distances is sometimes nearly enough mileage to get them back home again.  According to Google the distance from New York to Edinburgh is almost that number.  Perhaps an additional 100 miles more.


Google has also very generously offered an air fare of just over 1000 dollars should anyone of Alan’s friends or supporters would like to come for a visit. But arriving in Edinburgh would still leave William with still a very long way to still yet go.  For he lives on Sanday in the Orkney islands.  A place inhabited by about 540 people, which perhaps has more sheep than humans.

A place, that has something like a little less that 50 miles of paved road, that is including all the streets, cul-de-sacs and lane ways.  In other words a place that is just about as remote from Queens New York as it is possible to be.


I was born
To go far beyond

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 38, Agni Press, 2004

  Continue reading “June 16: Far Beyond”

June 15: It Is Perfect

It is perfect.

It is perfect and yet our eyes alone cannot reveal this perfection to us.

It is perfect and yet no matter how long and how hard we analyze, calculate, and attempt to measure what is here we will still never succeed in fully understanding.

There are many things we sometimes call perfect.  Man made wonders of the world, magnificent monuments created by nature, and also those who have lived impeccable lives devoted to transforming the world, and have in some mysterious way have uplifted our own lives as well.  All things, places, people, and experiences that can help us transcend, above and  beyond where we currently find ourselves, can be perceived as being perfect to us.



This morning as the early chaos and energy of setting up the start of the Self-Transcendence gradually settled down I became aware of just how perfect it all was here.   Not that I could see it, and, not that in my mind I could understand all the whys and wherefores of just why this was so.

It was something that I was feeling within. As I looked at all those who were about to run, or to help in some small way, or were just there to watch and cheer, I knew they all were feeling this same thing. This sweet inner experience that communicated that all of us can and will transcend ourselves sooner than we can ever imagine.


Start of Race 2007
Start of Race 2007

It is not new to this race.  I am quite certain that 17 years ago it was also this same way.  But no, that is not quite correct.  My belief is in fact that this perfection, which is part and part and parcel of this Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race has just continued to expand each and every year that it has been run.  Its inner brilliance, illuminating in a subtle and sometimes bold and very clear way all those, who have not just found themselves on the starting line, but also who feel and identify in whatever way they can with what happens here, no matter where they are.

It is an event that has a unique way of embracing and captivating all those who are drawn to it.  This morning, the first of many more to come, was just a wake up call to me.  For a brief moment it was as though the clouds, that obscure the highest mountain peaks, had swept away and I could see the very summit.  A startling and vibrant reminder that it is we ourselves who believe and create the barriers to the heights we all have within us.  That the self-transcendence road is one that we all share and must take together.

* A special thanks to all those who have come back to experience and enjoy the race, through this blog*



Nothing human is perfect.
But it is we
Who have to make everything human
Divine and perfect.


Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 176, Agni Press, 1993

Continue reading “June 15: It Is Perfect”

June 14: Accept What Comes

Sitting on a sunny bench on a warm spring New York afternoon I suddenly had a peculiar thought.

I wondered to myself, “What do people look like who know that on the very next day they are going to be  sent off on a rocket into outer space?  That they are also aware that what lies in front of them is an extremely difficult journey, one that may last as long as 52 days.

That in all that time in front of them they will also be removed, in almost in every way, from all the familiarity and all the comforts of their ordinary world as they know it”



But looking once more at the casual group relaxing comfortably about me I realized that none of that made any sense.

There was such a profound sense of calm, harmony, and purpose about these fit smiling runners that surrounded me, that such comparisons were trivial if not meaningless.  For there is simply nothing that can match what this group is about to set out to do starting tomorrow morning, whether it be climbing Mount Everest or even journeying off into the stars.

In just a little more than 12 hours, starting at 6am on June 15th,  this tiny gathering of phenomenal athlete runners will set off on the longest race in the world, the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race.  An event unequaled in sport and endurance competition anywhere.  It is a unique experience that will force and inspire each, to strive, struggle, rejoice, and celebrate for 18 hours a day.  One that lasts until they complete the full distance, or alternately, on and on until the clock shuts the grand journey, no matter how far they have run, abruptly down in 52 days time.

For some it is not a new experience.  Pranjal is here for the 10th straight summer and Baladev is coming for his 6th time.


Nobody in this group has run as many times as Pranjal other than Stutisheel.


Continue reading “June 14: Accept What Comes”

6 & 10 Day Race… Day 11

Over the course of our rich long lives, 6 or 10 days is not very much time.  Throughout our lifetimes we all will see and be part of so much more.  Experiences will come to us, both what we planned and sought after, and others, that arrive before us, daunting, mysterious, joyous, and sometimes profound.


Each making its own unique impression.  Each touching and changing us in ways we cannot measure.  Yet no matter what blessing or what dark day comes upon us we eventually know that it is all for a larger purpose.  To aid in our reach and in our steps to towards a distant goal that we never cease to strive for.

Even in lives cut short these few brief days are infinitesimal.  Yet we mortals, when we can, try and live our life rich with promise and fulfillment.  Gradually accepting adversity and failure as companions who will never leave us.  Yet despite their challenge, know that in the end they give us more to strive for than any sweet victory can.


Tonight our champions sleep a rest well deserved.  The cries, the pains, the lingering anguish that grips and pinches their bodies now will all too soon fade away.  The cherished memories of each and all of these hard fought days will linger longer and then they too will dim.  Trophies won, and medals worn will loose their gleam. Life will go on just as it does for all.


New challenges will march into the paths of each who came to this sacred ground to run for these 6 and 10 cool bright windy days in Queens.  New opportunities to forge new strengths, reveal more clarity of purpose, and find more richness revealed within.

Of course for all the runners who gave so much of themselves upon the course, there are still so many races yet to be run, so much more to be revealed.  All of it just part of the long sweet journey of self transcendence.

No matter what the outer accomplishment was for each, over these 6 and 10 fleeting days something within has indelibly laid its mark upon all who ran here.  Upon all who helped and hoped for it to succeed, and for all who made the dream that happened here their own.

Continue reading “6 & 10 Day Race… Day 11”

6 & 10 Day Race… Day 10

Sometime late last night Shamita was just so sick that she simply could not continue.  She had been battling a cold and fever for 6 days and the state of her declining health was getting more serious.  What else could she do?

With 36 hours still left on the clock it was not something this 49 year old Austrian runner took lightly.  She has never before had to abandon the track during a race, and last year she came back to the sport after a long long gap of 20 years.


When she showed up in Flushing Meadow last year she had trained and she was fit.  There seemed no reason not to be able to take up multi day  races like there had been no gap.  She ran 593 miles, a really good number.  So this year it looked like she could do better.  At the same time, all she really wanted was to give and do her best.

Yesterday she had finished her 8th day here  on the track with 502 miles.  With a full 48 hours left she was easily on track of surpassing her mileage from last year.  Then it all came crashing down…. well not exactly.

“When I went home last night I had the highest fever you can have.  Almost 40 degrees.  I thought okay, that is it.  I have to quit, I tried my best.  But in the morning I had a nice sleep, very quiet.  No airplanes like here now.”


In the morning she meditated and she heard a voice within her say, “there is still one more day.  What are you doing here. So go.”

“I was very happy to come back.  I just want to stay in the race.  This is the most important thing.  We all do our best.”

She describes how we never can predict what and when we all will have experiences.  “You never know what happens.”  For her getting sick is the last thing she ever expected, having not had a real sick day she says in more than 10 years.

Now, she like all the other runners, have just 24 hours more.  More than enough time to run many miles more and have experiences that can change your world.


Click to Play Interview:


Continue reading “6 & 10 Day Race… Day 10”

6 & 10 Day Race… Day 9

“It is kind of interesting.  I did some strong days, and I was thinking about all this high mileage, that I felt somehow I had to do.  And I was getting uninspired.  Then I got some good advice from Dipali….just relax.”

“Be in the right place and be grateful and the miles will come.”

“There is nothing worse than killing yourself mentally, with all the thoughts of what you have to do.”


Nirbhasa Magee is running the 10 day race for his 2nd time and clearly he has come back better trained and better prepared.  His performance this year has been nothing short of superb.

At his current rate he will pass the 1000 km goal he achieved last year sometime during the late stretches of day 9, which started just moments earlier.

“You never know what your body is going to take.  Definitely my body is a little more tired.”


“I wouldn’t be anywhere if it weren’t for all the help from all the runners.   Outwardly you might think that they are my competitors, because they are quite close in terms of mileage.”    He mentions the names of all those who have helped and adds, “you kind of feel that you are standing on the shoulders of giants.  It is great to be the beneficiary of all that wealth and talent.”

When you hear such sincere and humble words as Nirbhasa’s, and listen as well to all the others who have come to this race and have given so much of themselves, it is not hard to look upon this New York city park here as a kind of perfect little world.

A place where everyone helps and cares for others.  A place of ultimate challenge most definitely, but it is through this work and effort that each one here reveals and expands upon the better parts of who they are.  With luck as well bring some illumination to the shadowed bits that do not want to change.


And if we are truly lucky, when the bell rings and the last lap has been run, the great world just beyond the fence and trees becomes just a little more perfect as well.

Click to Play Interview:


Continue reading “6 & 10 Day Race… Day 9”

6 & 10 Day Race… Day 8

For 3 days his face has born the unwavering expression of a man focused on doing but one singular and extremely difficult task.  Never distracted, never bothered, never surrendering to the pains and fatigue that must be grinding away within the deep dark recesses of his very core.

The kind of strains and pains that would make most of us crumble and crash.  Yet something much more powerful than these human torments continues to push, prod, and pull this 45 year old Irish runner Eoin Keith through it all.  Some might call it his power of concentration, which is most definitely burning bright and clear in the eyes you see right here.

But there is something much more revealed in what we see in his eyes and in his performance here.  For what is happening on this one mile loop in Queens NY is that a Irish man is reaching into the very depths of who he is to accomplish something he has never done before.


On and on through 3 long dark nights when the cold and wind, and last night the rain came too to torment and bother Eoin, as well as all the others who are challenging themselves by running here. Through it all there has been no break, no real rest, and no complaints as such.

For any waver in his focus, any surrender to pain, doubt or fatigue and all would be lost.  It is a goal that he has prepared long and hard for and as of noon toady he is still only half way there.


At 12 today he stepped forward into a new realm, an even more challenging chapter of his 15 year long running career.  For at that precise moment he began running in a competition for longer than he has ever done before. In fact twice as long.  A journey that will only be completed after 6 days.

His record for 3 days, his longest race to date was 300 miles.  In the past  72 hours he has just about matched that total with a rather remarkable 296 miles.

Without much pause and certainly no fanfare at the half way mark, Eoin just kept going.  There was no choice in the matter. His goal commands that he go on.  Each step taking him higher and farther than he has ever gone before.  A place that is known to the champion within us all as self transcendence.

Continue reading “6 & 10 Day Race… Day 8”

6 & 10 Day Race… Day 7

It may be just a coincidence or it may be part of a great plan.  But whatever it is that brings Luis to the Self Transcendence race each spring, it means as well that he is always here on April 25th, which just happens to be his birthday.

Luis had one of those milestone birthdays last year, he turned 65.  Friends came around and wished him well and the camp gave him a cake and sang Happy Birthday.  After all the fuss he just slipped quietly back out onto the track and continued to do what he loves most of all, and that is run.


There is a part deep within us all that enjoys simplicity.  To have a life uncluttered with stuff, endless distractions, and hopeless desires.  Luis’s life is far from perfect, and he will tell you so, but there aren’t very many people whose world has been distilled down to such a clear and uncomplicated agenda.  Go out and run every day, and come every year to the Self Transcendence races and do your best.

He is running the 6 day this year, which is a rather recent compromise.   It is a decision….let’s best be polite…. brought on by his maturing physical situation.  He would much rather do the 10 day but a few years ago it just got to be too much.  So switching gears he now runs the 6. As of noon today he has 113 miles for 48 hours, which puts him just about in the middle of the pack.


There are times in all our athletic careers when we are at our best.  Of course some runners out here are really in their primes as distance runners right now.  There are though still a few who remember an earlier version of Luis.  When he was a lot more than just a good runner, but a great one.

This picture taken 30 years in ago in 1985 shows a Luis, that a generation of runners here now never knew.  Also they just may not believe that this man who now shuffles endlessly around the course in a grey sweat shirt once used to fly along the track. His personal best is 138 miles in 24 hours.

The man handing him his birthday cake in 1985 was also making some adjustments to his running goals at this time.  Ted Corbitt, who many consider the father of distance running in America even ran this race himself, when he was 80 years old.


All the runners in both of the races here have gone through a lot since they started.  There are no doubt a few who are really suffering but no matter how bad it gets they just won’t give up.  They see a finish line that for all of them is now getting closer all the time.

But let us not kid ourselves, there are still 4 days more of running.  And if you are Luis Rios, once he crosses the finish line he will pack up and go home to Brooklyn.  The next day he will head out the door and just keep going.

Continue reading “6 & 10 Day Race… Day 7”

6 & 10 Day Race… Day 6

Hello everyone, my name is Lo, Wei Ming. It is my pleasure to come to New York to participate in this race. I’ve heard that there is no other runner from Asia except me. I hope my participation will bring more Asian runners in the future. I also hope to get inspiration for my life through the race.

Although it’s only been 4 days, I feel that this experience is very worthwhile and I expect to enjoy the race more over the next few days. During the running, I have seen runners from all over the world showing their persistence, and perseverance. A lot of runners have set examples for us to follow.


During the event, I always experience moving feelings which are hard to describe. I am sorry my English is not good.  Although a race is a race, it’s not just about “competing” or the pursuit of “perfection”. You have to be there to discover it yourself. Being a runner, I feel proud to participate in a race, achieve my own goals, and feel life’s inspiration.


I’ve participated in marathons in Greece, Hungry, and other places. This is my fourth time competing internationally and it is my first time running in the United States. This park was built in 1964, the same year I was born.

I feel it’s my destiny and I am going to make this another starting point in my life. I am thankful for the organization’s invitation, in addition to the assistance and support I have received from many of my friends. I could not have made it without all your help. Thank you for interviewing me.


Yesterday I spoke for a little more than 5 minutes with Lo Wei Ming, a terrific 50 year old runner from Taiwan.  He speaks no English and yet it was clear he had something important to say.  At one point there were tears in his eyes. Today that conversation was translated for me by a team from the Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York.

As of noon today he has completed 5 days of running and has 310 miles.

Continue reading “6 & 10 Day Race… Day 6”