“It was a special day for the whole universe not just for us.”
Yesterday in an almost storybook fashion Ashprihanal finished the 3100 mile race setting a world record in the process. For all of us who could attend it was a beautiful and historic experience. It really did feel that something of major significance took place. That it was not just a brief glow on this shabby patch of concrete but in some ways that a bright beacon shone forth to spread light over the whole world as well.
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Now of course the other runners no longer have that phenomenal burst of energy, that was the 44 year old man from Finland, with them any longer. He no longer blazes his way around and around the block pulling the tired and disheartened along with him.
“Yesterday I felt as though he finished the 3100 miles in one day. Yesterday when he had just a few laps to go it felt to me as though he had just started that morning. It was amazing. It was really smooth right from the first day. He was passing me many times. But it was as though he wasn’t even there.”
“He was really inspiring. It was amazing. You can’t imagine what it is like running 76 miles a day. It is beyond the physical world. He can do it again next year very easily.”
“He ran so easily and I am dying every day and every hour and he was like flying. It was not running it was flying. When people call him the flying Finn it is really true.”
When the race is over. “I will not be sad, but I will miss everything. I had a really really hard race. It was my hardest. But on the other side it is my best race. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
Every day is like a new day for Baladev he says. “We do not live in the past. It is hard to understand because, it is a natural feeling. We are just running this moment. This is the reason we are missing the race when it is finished. Because we live in the one lap, or sometimes just a few meters.”
“I wish everybody could experience this.” Baladev feels that what he experiences is real spirituality in many of the ways that Sri Chinmoy expressed in his philosophy. It is hard to believe.” He feels that most often people who watch the race don’t understand this. They think the runners are just running and not much else is happening.
“A few people have a real understanding of what is going on here. In the future more people will have this feeling about the race.”
Click to Play Interview: