There are O so many precious moments in the 6 and 10 day race. Some glorious and record breaking, and at other times, the little special personal ones. The moments that do not attract much notice from others, and yet may in the end mean much more to you.
Things that take place while you are out on the course all alone in the middle of the night. Or maybe just being with someone else and feeling a camaraderie that has built slowly over the past few days or even decades.
The counters manage to keep track of what on paper are special measured moments. Crossing milestones and journeying further into the uncharted realms of new mileage or just the regular signposts that come up grudgingly every 100 miles. You can hear it again and again though that the end of the race is not always the best time. It is an end of sorts, to see the completion of 6 or 10 days but the journey within never does sit comfortably on markers or timetables, or even the expectations that flitter and fly before our eyes.
In this picture Nataliya Hluschuk has just completed 500 miles. With just 18 hours more to go it is unlikely that she has even a remote chance of bettering her previous best of 600 miles in the 10 day race. Yet it is easy to see that this young 34 year old woman from Vinnitsa is loved and cared about by many here at the race.
Yesterday I learned that it is because of her that 4 other runners from her city have been coming here and competing for the past few years. It was because of her love of this race and the experiences she had here that encouraged this ever growing contingent of Ukrainian and Russian runners to come and discover the magic that is here.
Some may never find it for lots of reasons. They will start off believing in a journey that only exists in their minds. One that can be measured against a catalog of success but one that only offers a dew drop of joy. When you allow yourself to accept the race on its own terms, it is possible to receive an ocean instead.