In the morning I asked Stutisheel if he wanted to tell me some of his favorite experiences that he has had here at the 3100 mile race.
“I believe one lap will not be enough. Over the years there have been many good stories.”
Stutisheel and his family have lived and experienced a lot here at the race. Coming nearly every year since 2004, only Ashprihanal has been here more times. As I listen to some of his remarkable tales it is easy to see why it has so profoundly shaped and illumined his family and himself.
“All the diamonds in my life I found here, on this half mile loop.”
“I remember one time I was walking for three days. Everything was okay, I didn’t have any blisters. The problem was that I was so weak, and nobody could fix it. By the end of day 3 I was pretty much depressed. Many doubts started coming to my mind.” Stutisheel was not certain what was the true source of his problem. He felt he had some weakness that he could not transcend.
On this very same day his daughter, Alakananda went to a function where his spiritual teacher, Sri Chinmoy was going to be there. At the end of the evening Sri Chinmoy, as was his custom was handing out prasad to the children. Instead of giving her one piece he gave Alakananda 2. “This is for your father.”
“She came running to me at 10pm. I have prasad for you. The moment I took this prasad I had a flash.”
Stutisheel’s instantaneous experience was that he suddenly realized that all he needed to do was to simply keep moving, no matter with what speed. If he could do this he knew he would be pleasing his soul and pleasing his heart.
“That was such an illumining experience that the next day I was running again.”
Stutisheel describes another time in a different race when he was having such serious problems in his legs that he could barely walk. “It was pain, pain, pain.” Once again nothing seemed to help. “Then Sri Chinmoy came to know about my walking and my suffering.”
“The next morning miraculously the pain decreased dramatically and I could run again. Than in the morning Sri Chinmoy came and was giving out prasad from his car. He asked me, how are you? It was than that I realized that it was he who was behind this miraculous cure. I had a broad smile and I said, thank you Guru. I am fine.”
Sri Chinmoy’s car than moved further off down the road and stopped where his daughter Alakanda was. “He gave prasad to my daughter and told her, I put a strong force into your father.”
Stutisheel than describes how his daughter and wife were so happy with what had just happened that they believed that he would now be able to finish the race. “But I immediately felt that this force I had just received was not just for that race but was enough for me to complete any 3100 mile race I attempted right into the future. For all my life.”
Stutisheel than quotes a favorite passage from Sri Chinmoy’s writings.
Question: How can we effectively channel spiritual energy into physical energy
Sri Chinmoy: We have to know that physical energy has only one source, and that source is spiritual energy. As long as we remain in the body-consciousness, we are not aware of this. But when we go deep within, we see that spiritual energy is the source of physical, vital and mental energy. When spiritual energy enters into the physical, it becomes somewhat polluted. It is unable to maintain its pristine purity. What we need is purity on the inner plane and dedication on the outer plane. Inner purity we can get through aspiration, and outer dedication comes through gradual inner purification and inner awareness. When we have both inner purity and outer dedication, then spiritual energy enters into physical energy, and physical energy at that time becomes an added strength to spiritual energy.