There are many things in our lives that we are fond of or attached to but probably really do not ultimately give us much joy or any sense of an inner thrill. We often try and erect safe fences at the outer boundaries of our mental perception of the world around us and then carefully try and monitor and judge what if any new thing we will allow into our life. As for truly offering ourselves, we mentally negotiate little contracts with the not so subtle stipulation that we need to get back at least as much as we are willing to give. All this creates a safe predictable life but one that will never extend our experience beyond the boring and limited confines of the material world.
Here at the 3100 quite a different experience is offered to any and all who accept its open invitation to be part of it in any way. There are moments when it is possible to see the race as some vast Niagara of unconditional surrender. 12 runners have made a Supreme leap of faith 2 weeks ago into an unfathomable transcendence experience. One that their hearts and beings did not even try and bargain for anything in return.
On the inner plane an eventual outcome may already be realized but it is still weeks and miles away from being revealed. For now however real achievement is not so much based on how many miles they have accumulated but how much they each selflessly and willingly give of themselves. The real reward is each precious moment that they unfasten themselves from limitation and fix their gaze on the limitless now. Remember who they are within and where their journey ultimately leads to.

He is intellectual. What does it mean? It means that the weight of his head far surpasses the weight of the rest of his body.
You are spiritual. What does it mean? It means that the weight of your heart far surpasses the weight of the rest of your body.
There is a striking difference between his head and your heart. His head quite often does not love his body. His head belittles the body’s capacity and the needs of the physical. But you have a different story to tell.
Your heart loves your body. Your heart inspires your body to love God. From its own personal experiences your heart tells your body that there is only one way to be happy and fulfilled and that is to love God and serve God in every way.
Sri Chinmoy, Earth-Bound Journey And Heaven-Bound Journey, Agni Press, 1975.