“I even had my jacket on this morning. I love it when I freeze in the New York summer.” The weather here at the race has always been the most unpredictable force that the runners have to find some way to manage. Days of heat and days of humidity and days of rain are the 3 foes of every summer time race here. You can’t beat them but somehow instead must resolve to work out a relationship of compromise and acceptance. Coax out of a hard day as many laps as you can and hope they add up to 109.
Today only 3 runners made it past 60. Unusual unless you consider the devastating affect the weather has had over the past several days. An inevitable price must be paid. So Ushika, who wore a coat this morning says, “definitely the outer circumstances have brought more joy to my running.”
“Each and every day is different. Each day has a new challenge and a new joy. There is always something new coming up. Meanwhile I am always looking forward to see what is coming up, even if it is a challenge.”
“You crack one issue and then the next one pops up. It is a nice game.”
“I just had an experience yesterday. Not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined, that I would think at one point that this race is too short. But yesterday my mind was thinking that it is too short. I want more.”
Ushika says he doesn’t fully understand but the experience was clear. “I had a desire for more. To dive deeper into the matter. Dive deeper into the race. Dive deeper into myself. To discover more sooner. I got a taste for it and now I want more besides all the challenges.”