“It is the one great school on how to be surrendered.” For the past week Pranab has been a visitor to the race. He has come from his home in Slovakia to support his friends, and at least for a brief while, be a part of the thing that has meant so much to him. He has completed this race on 4 occasions and at each race he found ways to self-transcend. Both by bettering his times each time and also growing as a spiritual person as well.
“These experiences, of knowing how to let go, and how not to be dependent on things that I want. To be able to separate the things that should happen from the things I want to happen. That helped me a lot with other things in my life.”
“Two years ago it got really bad and somehow I got through it. Last year it started very soon and came back again.” It is enough for any runner just to battle the distance little alone combat health issues at the same time. Pranab had been a fixture at this race for 4 years and last year he was running well here when a stubborn skin rash attacked him with a vengeance, and by June 26 he had to retire from the race.
“Running itself is a transformation process and this race is an embodiment of this. You cannot really expect to run something long and not to be changed. It is a very concentrated life. Outer signs of self transcendence is just a number. I do not really believe in comparing year by year.” He speaks about some of his fellow Slovaks and how much he admires what they are doing here. Each uncovering unknown capacities and also gaining strength in other more recognizable areas of their lives.
He was able to run this race most years when Sri Chinmoy was still outwardly and integrally part of the event. He still feels that he is deeply part of it now. “It is his race, so how can you separate him from this. I would not be coming here if not for him.”
“Inspiration works in mysterious ways.” He feels that the influence of the 3100 can be felt by those who are receptive, but as one who has experienced it first hand has no way of judging what it might be. He had been thinking about doing it for years before he eventually came. “I have been inspired by this race a lot.” He said it touched him long before one could go daily and view the results on the internet. Just hearing about it from others alone was enough to feel a thrill inside.
When he leaves today and heads back to Slovakia, “I am going to miss it.” Then he laughs and adds, “But I am not going to pretend that I will be crying into my pillow.”