“Sometimes when people see us running maybe it looks to them that it is just easy running. We are going slowly, no problem. But it is not like this. Every lap is a fight. And when you complete each lap it is a very small victory and each day when you finish it is also a victory.” When 37 year old Baladev Saraz started his 7th day of running here he had so far accumulated 688 of these small victories or laps of the course. Not very many perhaps when you consider he will still have to complete another 5,000 of them in the 45 days he still has left here.
As someone who gets to observe the race each day I have the luxury of pausing and examining the runners from countless vantage points all around the loop. Every day I try to find a slightly different location, uncover a fresh perspective and to hopefully reveal something new and inspiring. Attempt to see and understand this incredible story of self transcendence as it unfolds. The extraordinary thing is that no matter how much I look, and ask questions, and ponder the impenetrable immensity of if all I hear something new and amazing every day.
There are of course 12 stories to be told and though all are unique, what Baladev said this morning is most likely true for each of the brave runners here. That each lap is a victory. By now there are perhaps 50 or 60 individuals who have contributed some small active service to the race. The continually rotating cast who sit behind a stack of clip boards and with sharp pencils keep track of those laps. Still more who have spent long hours making food, cleaning up, giving medical assistance and otherwise helping in the almost endless ways that make the great roller coaster of life here keep rolling.
Yet no matter how much you help and serve, or sing or clap and cheer along the way, we cannot ever really know how precious those solitary laps really are. How their slow and steady accumulation brings a runner just a fraction closer to their goal, which is still thousands of miles away.
It was many hours ago now as I am writing this that Baladev spoke about those small victories. I am sitting back in a comfortable chair and trying to make sense of something that is really almost impossible to grasp. I am not sure if over the course of my day I had even one small victory. Sometime late tonight Baladev will have completed probably about 110 of them.
Every small moment of victory
In pleasing God
Is of paramount importance
In our life.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 26, Agni Press, 2002