July 12: Nothing Frightens Me

“I can’t stay away.  These people are like divinities brought down on earth for these few weeks.  Each time I come I get stronger and stronger.  I can’t tell you the name for it, but I can tell you that it makes me very very happy.”

Snehashila has come by the race this morning as she does on most days throughout the summer.  In fact on mornings nearly all year long she leaves her house, which is about 7 or 8 blocks away and circles around and about the neighborhood in order to get some exercise.


On Saturday mornings she is usually at the 2 mile race which takes place just across the street. Today is an extra special one for her though, as today is her 88th birthday.


I don’t how a lots of things work, or why things happen the way they do.  For example by this point in the race I just take it for granted that the runners are simply going to show up every day here and then run all day.  Then by some miraculous fashion it all continues on like this for 52 straight days.

Today marks the half way point.   After 26 days of everything happening with such regularity my mind has simply adapted to a kind of logical pattern.  I have become locked into this little daily routine just as a lot of others have as well.  All of this seems somehow just so normal and natural until you step back and take a closer look.



The arrival of the birthday girl however forces me to marvel at just how remarkable she really is.  Once I look just a little past Snehashila’s ageless effervescent beaming smile, I feel a little shock of reality fly up into my thoughts.  It is then that I wonder to myself,  ‘how is she still doing this at 88 years of age?”

A few years ago I made a film about running which she had a not insignificant role in it.  I just happened to be there when she was sprinting towards the finish line of the 2 mile race.  She said then, “I am kicking it in at 83.”


Click Link to Film:      Sri Chinmoy’s Love Of Running


She used to also run the marathon every August in Rockland State Park.  When I ask her about that, “NOTHING, frightens me.  I would have done this (3100) myself if I had joined the Marathon team when I was younger.”

She doesn’t stay long however.  She visits the race this morning  just long enough to greet and cheer the runners.  Then she goes off at a fast pace down the block and then on towards her home.  Moving along at a speed not unlike some of the runners out here on the course.

snehasila and poem

My Earth Activities

I respect greatness.

I love goodness.

I champion the right cause.

I listen to a pure heart.

I frighten the animal in me.

I enlighten the human in me.

I strengthen the divine in me.

Sri Chinmoy, Silver Thought-Waves, Part 2, Agni Press, 1992

Start of 50 mile race 1981 Photo by Bhashwar
Start of 50 mile race 1981
Photo by Bhashwar

Continue reading “July 12: Nothing Frightens Me”

July 11: Inside My Heart Home

“You have to do 7 laps more and then you are half way.”  Last night before she went home these were some of the last welcome words Surasa heard before leaving the course for the night.  This morning as she set out on her long day of running the numbers beside her name show just  1547.  Not a number that would immediately be taken notice of by the morning counters. That it teetered on the very brink of half way simply went unnoticed. At least at first.


Surasa in her always quiet gentle manner said nothing as she ran those 7 laps and then simply continued on with out saying a word to anyone.  Gradually the numbers on her lap sheet were increasing but the significance of what was happening had not quite been processed by the counters.  When the numbers were finally crunched and it was clear that she had in fact gone past the half way point I run out onto the course and catch up with her.

She says she was looking forward to going beyond 1550 miles.  As for the long hard challenge still ahead of her.  “Somehow it goes faster, you are going home.  It gets less and less.”  As for comparing her results to other years she says simply, ” I am not looking at this.  I am just doing what I can. That’s it.”

As we approach the camp the happy jingle of dozens of tiny bells gathers into a bright celebratory welcome for this spectacular lady. The sound of a conch booms out in the background.  She giggles with delight, steps momentarily to the board and points at those very  satisfying numbers 1550.  Then she leaves still chasing after an even bigger number.  One that is twice the size, but maybe, just maybe, one that will come a little easier.

Listen to the celebration

Surasa finishes 1550 miles


When I live inside my heart-home,
I clearly see that my faith
Can run infinitely faster
Than my doubt
To carry me to my destination.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 249, Agni Press, 1998

Photo By Bhashwar
Photo By Bhashwar

Continue reading “July 11: Inside My Heart Home”

July 10: Focus Only On My Destination

“When I am here I am focusing only on the running and nothing else.  I don’t look around or look at other people.  Sometimes I don’t realize that somebody has just passed me.  Because I am somewhere else.  When I come home I just try and forget it and focus on something else.”


Sometime late this afternoon Pranjal will become the 5th runner to reach the half way point.  An event in which he will waste none of his precious energy with undue thoughts or celebration.  Instead he will simply continue to focus instead on getting as many laps as he can in before midnight.  The solely devoted task of his life now for the past 24 straight days.

When there is no more time remaining in the day, he will then straddle his bicycle and peddle the 4 or 5 blocks to where he stays.  At that point another clock starts ticking away the precious 6 hours that he has all to himself until then he again begins his 18 hour running day once again.


Today I briefly left the tranquil sacred orbit of the Self Transcendence race and went into Manhattan to see a Dentist.  The energy and dynamism of any big city is in stark contrast to the simple little concrete path that circles round Thomas Edison High school.

Standing on 5th avenue I was aware of the waves of humanity surging in countless directions around me.  I was not separate from any of it either.  I too was part and parcel of the chaotic life as well.  But it was a shocking reminder of how these 2 worlds,  just a few miles distance from each other, can be so different.

For no matter whether it is Manhattan or Vienna or Helsinki, in the heart of city everyone is busy trying to get someplace else.  Important things must be done as quickly as possible and then there is a scramble and rush to go home afterwards.


When I got home, absent a tooth that I had enjoyed using for many years, and a bottle of painkillers.  I returned my focus back to the race.  Something that has consumed a large portion of my life as well for the past 24 days.  My destination and my duty is not anywhere as arduous or all consuming as it is for the 12 runners.  Neither does it require suffering of any kind.  Though currently and only temporarily my jaw is not having the best of times.

But just returning to the images and sounds of the race was a sweet reminder of how different  life can be when you turn your gaze to a more inspiring world.  How so much can be gained by identifying with what these 12 runners are doing and how they are tirelessly accomplishing this great task.  Once I returned my focus to the race I felt a sense of peace once again.   Something a dentist  drill and a subway ride had snatched briefly away.

I must focus only
On my destination,
And not on my mind-hesitation.

Sri Chinmoy, My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, Part 32, Agni Press, 2005


Continue reading “July 10: Focus Only On My Destination”

July 9: If Your Life Is Real

There was a moment this morning when Ashpihanal went by me as I was crouched on the ground taking a photograph. I heard him call out, “you know some runners have gone half way.”  As I glanced up I saw a mischievous grin on his face as he ran by.   In a little less than a lap later I caught up with him and he announces, “I reached the half way point yesterday.”

“When I reach the half way point I always have a big celebration.  It was  really nice.  My big celebration is that I take a half cup of water.”(jokingly)

ashprihanal half way


Yesterday when it happened his friend Sopan asked him if he was now on track to finish the race in 45 days.  “Well you know the last 2 times I ran here I got problems at the end of the race.  So whatever the Lord gives I take it.”  With 1550 long hard miles still stretching out in front of him neither he, nor anybody else for that matter, when they cross the half way mark is really prepared to celebrate.  Just too much yet can happen.

Now also as each day passes it is becoming increasingly clear that some runners will simply not be able to cross that finish line at all, in the time remaining to them. For those runners, they all have to come to terms with this stark reality and instead identify with some other goal.  One that will continue to inspire and push them on and through so many hot heavy days yet to come.


For Sarah the new realization of what the race was now going to mean for her in the weeks ahead became clearer just yesterday.  “I suddenly realized how extreme this race is.  compared to the 10 day race it is so mentally different.”

At the point she realized that the goal of completing the full distance had slipped away her first feeling was as though she had lost her motivation.  After this though she realized, “then you have to think of every day as something new. Then the joy returned really yesterday. Because I could appreciate just being here.  Being with all these awesome runners.  That are flying past me, and hoping one day that I might have that determination.”

“You have to set a new goal, and realize that it is a life long process.  It is more than the miles on the board.  It is how you are feeling every day.  If you can be happy.”

If your life is real,
Then only
Your heart can be happy.
If your mind is free,
Then only
Your body can be happy.

Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 40, Agni Press, 1982

Photo by Bhashwar
Photo by Bhashwar

Continue reading “July 9: If Your Life Is Real”

July 8: Patience is Running

“I try to enjoy each moment. I really try to appreciate where I am, what I am doing. I’m not in a hurry because I cannot land early. So, time is not so much an issue, so important — it’s more the way to get to the destination, which is very interesting.”  In the very early hours of Sunday morning here in New York a solar powered plane landed at JFK airport. It had left Washington a little over 18 hours earlier.

The Solar Impulse had first begun its historic flight across continental America back on May 3.  It’s 2 Swiss pilots took turns commanding the aircraft on its multiple hops across the country.  The total distance was 5649 km (3,510 miles)  and took 105 hours of flying time to accomplish the new record.

“There are no limits. The only limit is the pilot.” Solar Impulse pilot André Borschberg


It was a stunning technological breakthrough and one that slipped a little bit under the American news radar, probably due to other apparently more pressing news items.  One other story that almost went unnoticed was Nidhruvi as she passed the 1300 mile mark this morning at the race.  When I catch up with her and ask her what it means, she says, “It means I am going to a new territory.”


The last time she had completed 1300 miles took place at her last big race 11 years ago.  She laughs as I suggest that event in 2002 at Flushing Meadow almost  seems like several lifetimes ago.  “Since then I haven’t done so many miles.”  The race here has also opened up for her a new best for this 47 year old Austrian phenom, in that she had never run longer than 19 days.  Today is her 23rd straight day of running.

“This is a different race.  Actually you cannot compare it.  This is a totally different race.”


As we run along there is a cool breeze brushing lightly up and over us as we head down the service road.  It is a small thing but very important to these 12 runners who spent the past few days being cooked here from morning to night.  “God, thanks so much. I am so grateful for this wind and a little coolness.”

“Almost all of us have this skin rash and it is really very unpleasant. So this helps a lot the wind blow through our clothes and help keep them dry. So it feels really good.”


Photo by Bhashwar
Photo by Bhashwar

Patience is running with you.
Patience is running for you.
Therefore, yours will be
The ultimate success-victory.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 72, Agni Press, 1984

Continue reading “July 8: Patience is Running”

July 7: Doing The Same Miracles

“It is one of my favorite places to run.” As Suprabha says this, the dawn is greeting us with an incredible gentle glow.  The 12 runners have already just set off and she has obliged me this morning to do a lap of the course with me.  Of course she doesn’t get to New York that often as she lives in the DC area.  So one can naturally assume that she doesn’t get to run here that often.  At least not now.

But it wasn’t that many years ago in which this was not just her favorite place to run but in many ways the very epicenter of her life’s journey.  13 summers she spent circling this block and when I dare to even comprehend just how many laps and miles she ran here my mind shuts down.  Latter using a small calculator, it spat out a gigantic trail of numbers.  As I look at her lightly jogging along now, it all just seemed so unbelievable.  How was it possible that this petite little woman could have run so many miles here. (40,300)


“Well mostly I just feel something here.  Of course if I zoom in I can pick out special moments, but it is just really nice to be here.  It is nice to spend a little time with the runners.  It just brings it all back.  Mainly I just feel grateful to be part of the race.  Not just all those times but that I can still come back and feel part of it.”

Suprabha-copyShe feels the presence of Sri Chinmoy she says just as much now as before.  “Doing the same miracles.  That is one of the most beautiful things about the race is that you can always feel that Sri Chinmoy is here.”

“I don’t think anyone will ever fully understand the 3100 mile race.  Everybody I think feels something, and feels how vast and beautiful it is.  Because it really offers something to everybody.  So many people can be part of it, and be touched by it.

She then relates a story about the great Ted Corbitt when one summer he visited the race while Suprabha was running it.  She said that when Sri Chinmoy learned that Ted was visiting with the runners he immediately came over to meet with him.

According to Suprabha he apparently asked Ted, who was by now quite elderly, why he hadn’t participated in the 6 and 10 day race that had taken place earlier in the Spring. Ted told Sri Chinmoy that at this point in his life he was having difficulty even walking little alone entering multi day races.

Sri Chinmoy told him.  This is not something you are doing for yourself.  This is something you are doing for the world.

“I think it is really true.  Maybe we don’t even know what the race is doing.  That is what I feel, but it has to be reaching very far.  It is very expansive.  I think we are really lucky to have the race.”



In the world of
Unbelief and disbelief,
Our faith in God itself
Is the miracle of miracles.

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 8, Agni Press, 1998

Continue reading “July 7: Doing The Same Miracles”

July 6: Saints Of The Road

They are all saints of the road.  Can you not believe it?  I will tell you a secret, even sometimes they do not believe it to be true.

How is it possible to have 12 saints in one place, doing this one same thing, when the rest of the world sometimes seems empty of saints?


I cannot  prove it to be true.   For how do you even begin to prove the existence of God little alone prove God is working powerfully through these 12 selfless souls.  To prove that the divine is actually present here you have to look beyond what your physical eyes see.  You have to touch the luminous truth that is within each of us to begin to see it and then to believe it.

Yes, God is everywhere and in everything, but from time to time he can be experienced in miraculous ways.  Just  to remind us that we too can find God, not on some distant shore, but even right now within our own hearts.

Some might say I know this runner very well, I have met that runner too.  He or she is a rogue.  This person is no saint.  You are all imagination.  You are telling us a tale that is not and cannot be true.

For those who personally know these runners I say, you were not wrong at that time you knew them.  Their faults and problems were shockingly clear and obscured no doubt any hint of the God miracle deep inside them.


But see each of them now I ask.  See what all these days and all these miles have done to them.  Do not be distracted by the pain you see etched in hard lines across their faces.  Do not judge them by bodies racked by fatigue, feet blistered with wear.  They are constantly moving.  There might be moments when their physical looks as though they are barely alive.  No matter,  the God within is being revealed just the same.

The divine in each one is now more powerful and more present than the human.  For the body cannot do what they are doing.  The runner cannot reach where they are going.  Released from the chains of our world which says so strongly to us that we cannot do this and we cannot do that.  They are proving now each day that they can conquer impossibility, and yes we can too.  Should we be brave, and should we dare never ever to give up in seeking out our own goals.

Yes, but will they remain saints after all is said and done?  Now that is a good question, and I do not know.  But I will ask you this.  Do you too want to be a Saint?

Photo by Bhashwar
Photo by Bhashwar

The last thing
A true saint wants to hear
Is that he is absolutely perfect.

Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 36, Agni Press, 1982

Continue reading “July 6: Saints Of The Road”

July 5: Closer To God

“We have to come out of our comfort zone.  When we do that we call it austerity.  What it does is moves us closer to God.  The goal of life is God realization and we have to constantly think like that.  We have to have God realization in this lifetime.”  Swami Paramesha Ananda used to be a familiar site in the early morning hours here on the course.


He once lived just a few blocks away.  Most mornings, for much of the summer,  he would have already started making his speedy circuits of the course before the runners even arrived.  Now he lives in Long Island, and it is no small thing for him to come here and be able to do his laps here as he so often used to do.

“I got up around 3 and then I do my meditation.”  Sometime after that in the predawn hours he then had to find his way to the Long Island railroad.  Travel from the distant suburbs of NY, and then once he arrived in Queens he had to make his way from the station at Sutphin blvd., some 10 to 15 blocks away.

The sum total of his significant effort to just make his way here today was for most of us an undertaking way beyond most of our ideas of what we safely consider our “Comfort Zone.” He will ultimately run about 10 laps here.  Once finished he will collect his orange robes and glasses and go on with the rest of his day.


“I want to be on this course.  I want to be with the runners, because we are like minded people.  High thinking, simple living, and contentment.”

His presence here on the course in his luminous orange apparel is a striking reminder of just how similar the 12 runners and he are.  Like him they too are devoted and dedicated to a path that is leading them to a divine goal.  One that is way beyond the measurable distance of 1300 miles.  A goal instead not so easily described and yet one we all feel compelled to strive and reach for within ourselves.

Photo by Bhashwar
Photo by Bhashwar

Eternity’s Love
And Infinity’s Joy
Shall come closer to humanity
If and when
Humanity accepts life as a gift of God
And not as a burden of man.

Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 11, Agni Press, 1981

Continue reading “July 5: Closer To God”

July 4: Who Are You

It is probably one of life’s most fundamental questions, but most certainly it is not one that I would dare ask of this very tired group of runners.  Yet Baladev got inspired to ask each one running here, ‘Who are you?”


His little survey was a difficult one from the start.  Because to get an answer from each and every runner here meant that they had to be literally right beside them.  Not easy when everyone most of the time is traveling at such different speeds.  Also they had to be in the mood to speak about such a serious subject.  Nonetheless he persevered at this task for several days and carried around a little notebook waiting for just the right opportunity to ask his question.


In almost any other setting this kind of inquiry would lead to some simple response.  Most people when asked would probably answer with  something easy and professional, like what they do for a living.  Others might respond with their family status, or even mention some sport or hobby to which they have seriously dedicated themselves.

Yet in our most sacred and serious reflective moments we all probably pose this question to ourselves, particularly at moments of change and transition.  It helps us make decisions about what is important in our lives and helps us decide more clearly where we want to go.  On any given day our answer may change, but most likely deep within us the answer is always crystal clear.  Unfortunately there just may not be a lot of times when we can connect with this illumining truth about ourselves, and yet we bravely and diligently keep marching forward.   Much like these 12 brave souls do here each and every day.


Baladev slowly goes through his list of answers.  All done simply in the order in which he was able to ask them.  I ask him why he did it.  “I don’t know.  This question just came to me.  Sometimes things just come to your here. It was a very nice moment when the inspiration came.  I was feeling very good.”

Intrigued by all this I ask him what his answer is.  “When this question came to me may answer at that moment was, ‘I am  God.’

Try to remember
Who you truly are.
You are God’s
Dream-blossoming child.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 210, Agni Press, 1994

Photo by Bhashwar
Photo by Bhashwar

Continue reading “July 4: Who Are You”

July 3: I Can Never Stop

“It was the toughest day of the race for me.”  Not just for Sopan but for quite a few other runners Tuesday’s humidity, created a challenge for them that some simply could not adapt or adjust to easily.  In our minds we can easily make the assumption that it has to be hard to go so far with so little sleep.  But until you have been absorbed in the steamy embrace of a New York summer’s day, you simply do not know how daunting the weather can be as well to your performance.  How this additional burden can adversely affect not just muscles but also how it can strain minds.


Yet despite being bullied by the humidity all day Sopan somehow found his way back up to a good lap count of 111, and was able to cross the 1000 mile barrier. “Feels like a good sign. I only have to get more organized in the evenings at home and go quicker to bed and get the extra sleep I so much need.”


Last year both he and Ashprihanal went to an amusement park called Six Flags.  “I think they have the world’s fastest and highest roller coasters.  The roller coasters other places do not compare.  Americans really know how to make roller coasters.  I don’t know how high and how fast you go.  It only takes a few seconds but those seconds are really a lot of fun.”


Quite often we try and use the metaphor of the roller coaster to describe our lives.  Personally when I looked at this picture Sopan took of the roller coaster he rode last year I simply could not even imagine getting on one.  Or more importantly, how doing so would be in the complete opposite direction of my own idea of a fun time.  Yet for Sopan and Ashprihanal a ride like this is all excitement, and an adrenalin rush.  “So much joy.  We really had a lot of fun.”

Going to an Amusement Park offers harmless enjoyment to millions of people around the world.  Most people when offered the opportunity, to either go have a day of relaxing fun, or instead, spend the next two months struggling and suffering while running on an unforgiving sidewalk in New York, would not hesitate for a second making up their minds which they would choose.

Sopan and Ashprihanal and the other 10 runners here of course made a very significant and life transforming decision to run this race.  Each day, no matter how it outwardly appears, still sees them inexorably climbing slowly and steadily  upward.

There will be stumbles and tumbles both physically, mentally and spiritually as each day passes.  How they will eventually feel when this extraordinary ride of life completes its circuit here is still a long way off.  No matter what outwardly happens, their inner experiences here will all represent real inner progress.  The heat, humidity, and suffering will come and go but not the transcendence.

Ashprihanal says, “When you finish this race you feel so good.  You feel that you really deserve to sit down.  That is the reward of this race.”

ashprihanal 2

Photo by Bhashwar
Photo by Bhashwar

The outer run intimidates my body.
The inner run liberates my body.
The outer run tells me
When to start and when to stop.
The inner run tells me
Once I start I can never stop.

Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 30, Agni Press, 1982

Continue reading “July 3: I Can Never Stop”