“I can’t stay away. These people are like divinities brought down on earth for these few weeks. Each time I come I get stronger and stronger. I can’t tell you the name for it, but I can tell you that it makes me very very happy.”
Snehashila has come by the race this morning as she does on most days throughout the summer. In fact on mornings nearly all year long she leaves her house, which is about 7 or 8 blocks away and circles around and about the neighborhood in order to get some exercise.
On Saturday mornings she is usually at the 2 mile race which takes place just across the street. Today is an extra special one for her though, as today is her 88th birthday.

I don’t how a lots of things work, or why things happen the way they do. For example by this point in the race I just take it for granted that the runners are simply going to show up every day here and then run all day. Then by some miraculous fashion it all continues on like this for 52 straight days.
Today marks the half way point. After 26 days of everything happening with such regularity my mind has simply adapted to a kind of logical pattern. I have become locked into this little daily routine just as a lot of others have as well. All of this seems somehow just so normal and natural until you step back and take a closer look.

The arrival of the birthday girl however forces me to marvel at just how remarkable she really is. Once I look just a little past Snehashila’s ageless effervescent beaming smile, I feel a little shock of reality fly up into my thoughts. It is then that I wonder to myself, ‘how is she still doing this at 88 years of age?”
A few years ago I made a film about running which she had a not insignificant role in it. I just happened to be there when she was sprinting towards the finish line of the 2 mile race. She said then, “I am kicking it in at 83.”
Click Link to Film: Sri Chinmoy’s Love Of Running
She used to also run the marathon every August in Rockland State Park. When I ask her about that, “NOTHING, frightens me. I would have done this (3100) myself if I had joined the Marathon team when I was younger.”
She doesn’t stay long however. She visits the race this morning just long enough to greet and cheer the runners. Then she goes off at a fast pace down the block and then on towards her home. Moving along at a speed not unlike some of the runners out here on the course.
My Earth Activities
I respect greatness.
I love goodness.
I champion the right cause.
I listen to a pure heart.
I frighten the animal in me.
I enlighten the human in me.
I strengthen the divine in me.
Sri Chinmoy, Silver Thought-Waves, Part 2, Agni Press, 1992

Photo by Bhashwar