“I hope much better.” I had just asked Vasu how he was.
It is the kind of polite question we ask most people when we greet them briefly on the street. The person responds with some idle pleasantries and then in the usual dance of etiquette, they in turn ask after your well being as well.
When really asked how they are, even your dearest closest friend it is not often going to launch off into some long detailed discussion about what is really happening in their life. Most often the usual answer is, “oh just fine thank you.”
When a runner here at the 3100 is asked how they are, you know that no matter how they respond it will not even come close to including all the painful details of their morning, or their joyous experiences and revelations from the previous evening. So much is intensely experienced here at every moment by the runners, on so many levels, it is nearly impossible to express even a small portion of that experience.
A year ago on this same day Vasu had nearly 60 more miles than he has right now. An amount equivalent to about a full day of running. His problems back then if any, were minute compared to the burden he has had to cope with the past few days.
Days in which getting the minimum distance of 110 laps were out of the question. In fact on one day he made 85 laps and on the next 98 laps and then yesterday.
Painful, difficult, but o so beautiful yesterday he pushed, struggled and prayed his way back up to 111 laps.
If the person you met on the street were given a real opportunity to explain or complain about themselves, most likely, once you got them started they then just might not ever stop.
Vasu isn’t that kind of person. He does not complain nor does he feel sorry for himself in any way. “Everybody goes through these difficulties and problems.” In fact he is quite happy for everything that has happened to him here.
He feels that whatever happens to him here, no matter if is pain or if it is joy. It is all just the Supreme having an experience inside of him.
Do not think of your present life
As a wasted opportunity.
Think of your present life
As a needed experience,
And think of your future life
As the beginning of God’s new creation
Inside you.
Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 83, Agni Press, 1983