He arrives looking strong and upbeat but all is not well with Pranab Vladovic. In last years race, which was his 4th, he set a personal best. A physical ailment however has been relentlessly shadowing him for the past year. In 2008 he lost a full day to it and still came back and set a personal record. His skin rash, and accompanying swelling are making demands on his physical well being that appear to compromise his chances of continuing.
A nurse is coming to see him in a short while but it is 
clear that the allergic reaction, which he feels is caused by the sun, is getting worse every day. He ran only 45 miles yesterday. Nobody wants to see anything like this happen to any of the runners who have sacrificed so much to come and particpate. It is a small family, these 13 runners. They share the same road and the same goal. By helping one another they proceed on, hopefully to transcend themselves on every level. For now he is preparing to go out and run a full day.

Other runners are still arriving. Pushkar, had his own problems last year but seems to be doing extremely well this time. He has 218 miles and ran 68 miles yesterday putting him in second.
Vlady, who is a first timer ran 58 miles yesterday and has 192.

The serious business of setting up.

My morning begins
And I immediately want to hear
What God is saying.
I hear Him repeating
Again and again:
“I need only one thing-
A satisfaction-world!”
Continue reading “June 17 Joy, as Much as You Can”