On June 26 1976 Sri Chinmoy stood in front of the Statue of Liberty and meditated before 27 young men who were about to run across all of America’s 48 states. It was to be a journey of 8,800 miles and for 46 days they would carry a lit torch the entire way. It was a continuous relay run and 2 teams ran in 12 hour shifts 24 hours a day. America was celebrating its bicentennial that year and the mood and enthusiasm in the country was unbounded.
America is a place in which the word impossibility is unfamiliar to most lips. It is a place in which doing, is not and cannot be replaced by trying. To move fearlessly forward and not be intimidated by failure is an attitude that is common and accepted wherever you go in this vast beautiful country. Sri Chinmoy himself came here in 1964 and felt that America was ripe to embrace the inner life, as it had so successfully accomplished so many things outwardly. Running and America seemed to go hand in hand.
The Liberty Torch relay was followed in quick succession by other events and running contests. The Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race is now the pinnacle dream of individual competition. This year there are no Americans running the 3100, but on this day the 11 runners will feel an enthusiastic out pouring of American spirit all around them, as today is the 4th of July. A time when America celebrates in a big way, and 3100 mile runners will find celebrate in their own unique fashion.
Stutisheel stands here holding a torch once used years ago during one of the earlier relay runs that crisscrossed over America. He once said that he always dreamed that he would like to be in America on the 4th of July. Today marks the 7th time he has been able to say that he has done it.
If one were to add up all the mileage he has completed from his 6 previous races here, by himself he could have covered the same distance the Liberty Torch relay completed 2 times over. Beside him the Enthusiasm Awakeners are singing the America song just for him because he loves it so much and it touches his heart.
Sri Chinmoy: America is a young nation. It does not want to walk; it wants to run as fast as possible in order to breast the tape first.
I appreciate America for its dynamism. If you are dynamic, you run towards your goal. If you do not know where the goal is, then you may run from this side to that side. But it is better than to remain static. Americans are running. They may not be sure of the goal, but they are constantly on the move. They go to one side and run into a wall and get hurt. Then they go to another side and the goal is not there, so they get another blow. But at least they go.
The best quality in the spiritual life is not to hesitate once you know your goal. But even if you do not know your goal, it is good to run. God’s Compassion will dawn just because you are running, because you are on the move. Once you feel that your goal is not where you are, that your goal is somewhere ahead of you, then you have to run. And if you run, eventually you are bound to reach your goal.
Excerpt from The Outer Running And The Inner Running by Sri Chinmoy