Day 51… You Have To Believe (August 6)

“It’s coming close to the end.”  I don’t think I have ever seen Sopan this happy in the past 51 days.  This morning however he has a great reason to be having such joy that it can bring additional light up into the sky.  He is just a few laps away from 3,000 miles and now less than 2 days from completing the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race.

It is never a foregone conclusion that this would happen nor is it ever so for even the most gifted of runners.  The race will always challenge you, and humble you, and nurture you in ways you could never dream.

It was 13 years ago as a young person of 25 that he set the record for the youngest runner to ever run the race.  In the great gap in between he has not always been granted the gift of completing the distance.

Photo by Vaibhava

Tomorrow however it will most certainly be his personal victory.  A victory over adversity which dogged his heels for many days and yet could not contain his will to succeed.  Or perhaps it is just the light within declaring that this summit of transcendence he has justly earned.  A goal he surrendered all of himself, to the higher force within, in order to attain.

When asked if he was ever worried, “you never know until the end. Anything can happen.  But you have to have faith in order to make it.  You cannot doubt yourself all the time and make it.”

Photo by Vaibhava

“You have to believe.  You have to believe that you can make it.  That is your very first step.”

“I have gotten physically stronger.  It is possible because as you grow spiritually stronger it also makes you physically stronger.  I had some difficulties about 10 days ago  and I felt that this made me stronger.”

“Even on the worst days everything just worked out.  That is the whole magic about the race.  It feels as though there is always a guiding and protecting force.  Things just work out one way or another.”

Photo by Vaibhava

Sopan is happy of course that the finish line is getting very close.  He hopes to try and continue and maintain the inner experience that he felt here this year.  He wants to build upon it.

He says disconnecting from the race is unavoidable.  “But the inner cry always remains. For me this race is all about the transformation of nature.  This remains, it doesn’t go away.”

When asked about Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the race, Sopan says, “I don’t feel his physical presence.  But I feel that he is spiritually present here.  His spiritual force is more alive than ever.  The spiritual force, the inner presence, for me is much more important than the physical.”

The Board at the Start of Day 51…*Note totals may not be accurate…The Magic Number is 2,980*

The camp early

The weather will be very difficult for the next 2 days

The moon placidly looks down

William arrives

Ushika’s table

The clock

Surasa arrives

Rupantar does his video

Kaneenika arrives

Smarana reads

The girls

Konstantin makes ice bags

His last morning

The girls

A smile that says it all

The Start of Day 51

Beautiful but hot and humid

Ushika ran 61 miles

photo by Vaibhava

He now has 3073 miles

A great achievement

Featured in the biggest newspaper in Austria

At 1:30 he will pass through the arch one last time

Gratitude for the Enthusiasm-Awakeners

Photo by Vaibhava

Max shows a letter from home


Photo by Vaibhava

A great accomplishment

photo by Vaibhava


Photo by Vaibhava

Alan and Aharan


Photo by Vaibhava

Surasa ran 58 miles

She now has 3002 miles

With Vasuprada

Drying her shoes

photo by Vaibhava

She has 98 miles more to run



Atandra leading

Sopan did 60 miles

He now has 2984 miles

He has 116 more miles



Kaneenika did 58 miles

She now has 2982 miles

With Leelavatee

She has 118 more mile to go

About to reach 3000 miles


She will finish before midnight tomorrow


Konstantin making ice bags

Sahishnu checking his data

William did 55 miles

He now has 2834 miles

Getting an ice pack

With Alan

“What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common? …..THE…..”

An amazing journey


Having a laugh

Smarana did 54 miles

He now has 2822 miles

Doing his best


The place to be

Photo by Vaibhava

Ananda-Lahari did 62 miles

He now has 2756 miles

Just 2 days more


Vasu giving inspiration

Teaching others


“Who doesn’t like sunflower seeds for breakfast.”

Day 51

Sumanas and Suradhuni’s spiritual name anniversary

Poem of the Day read by Suradhuni

Click to Play:

poem suradhuni


Click to Play:


Believe in your impossible dreams,
You are bound to succeed.

3 thoughts on “Day 51… You Have To Believe (August 6)”

  1. Amazing to hear such confidence and surety in every single answer of Sopan’s. I love it, so inspiring. Thank you!

  2. Thank you Utpal for all your amazing work during the race. Very happy for Sopan finishing tomorrow. Ushika great first race, hope he will come next year again…

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