“It is my 5th time.” At age 50 Vasu Duzhiy has only been getting better each and every time he runs the 3100 mile race. Last year he surpassed his personal best by almost 3 days.
He is one of those incredibly unique individuals who probably looks more at home running around this hard little block in Queens than he does strolling through the forests outside of St Petersburg Russia.
When asked the largely symbolic question if he is happy to be here. He has only one answer, “Yes of course.”
Additionally when asked if he had ever been intimidated by the thought of doing the race he shakes of the question with a smile and with a kind of light shrug. One that can only be offered up by someone who has deep and natural sense of stoicism and commitment. “Never afraid……I will be happy.”
“One year before I first ran this race Igor told me about this race. (He had run the race that summer) Vasu recalls a spellbinding conversation late at night that went on for many hours. It was then that the seed of inspiration took root.
He says that his longest race up until then was the 6 day race. Surprisingly others encouraged him with the idea that somehow running the 3100 was easier and better.
Vasu agrees wholeheartedly. We are running along beside the noisy Grand Central parkway into a bright morning sun. “This is paradise.” Smiling like a man who somehow finds himself doing the exact right thing, in the right place, at the perfect moment in his life.
When asked if every moment is paradise here, he laughs and smiles…..”Yes.”
“Many good people. Good consciousness. I think Guru is working through everybody.”
“This race is my goal and I try to be prepared during the rest of the year.”
Asked how much he trains. “If I am sincere, I have to say not enough”
Vasu says that for most of the year he doesn’t run everyday. Usually 3 to 5 times a week.
A month ago he says that he changed his job and moved even further North of St Petersburg to a remote but beautiful region where he trained a lot on country roads. It is so far north that sun only sets for a short period each night. “There is more sun so I have energy to train a little more.”
“It is a very nice place. Beautiful river.”
When asked what he thinks self transcendence is. Vasu answers in only the simple, direct, and honest way that he can do.
“I try to self transcend every time. I try and do the best that I can do.”
Each time I arrive at my Destination,
My Lord immediately whispers:
“My child,
This is not the final Goal —
Your Goal is ahead.”
All the runners continue to have good days.
The van arrives
Yuri takes a drink of water and a yogurt.
“With all this water around here… What does a bird got to do to get his beak wet?”
Baladev sorting out his shoes
Rupantar makes his daily video
Kaneenika getting ready
Start Day 7
Atmavir ran 70 miles
He still leads after 6 days with 447 miles.
Close by
Vasu is just behind with 447. He ran the most miles yesterday with 76.
Vajra helps and gets help
Close by
Yuri ran 69 miles and has 430 miles
Some generator issues
Ashprihanal had 64 miles
He has 416 miles. Getting some email from Sahishnu
“I know the 2 mile race is great but look over there…….3100 mile race”
Ananda-Lahari had 53 mile
It is a bright day so most runners use sun block
On the course
Volodymyr had 57 miles yesterday. He has 390 miles
Down under
Surasa had 63 miles and has been incredibly consistent. She has 389 miles
Kaneenika’s flowers
Kaneenika did 60 miles and has also been consistent
She has 377 miles.
Shamita did 63 miles
She has 369 miles
She is doing incredibly well
Team Shamita
By the school
Sopan did 55 miles
He has 362 miles
Baladev did 53 miles
Giving himself a little extra foot care
Stutisheel did 63 miles. He has 326 miles
He also performed a little skit
Today is Aranyani’s birthday
Sahishnu arrives shortly after 10 and updates the board
“I love this I really do. This is the best place.”
“It is difficult to explain but there is enthusiasm here. You see selfless service. It is like team work. There are the runners and they could not do it without the help of others. It is a mutual thing. It is like what is happening in the world.”
“You need people to help and you need people to do different things. But it is like a whole.”
What sets it apart from the rest of the world she says though is something inner. “It is an inner race too. In the outer world you do not see so easily this spiritual aspect, so much.”
“When you are here you can see the inner power. It is coming to the fore and it is living and vivid experience. Which is the most beautiful thing about the race.”
“When I go home I want to carry it and I want to leave with it. It is not only that I have it and experience it and then it is over. It is something you want to carry on and continue.
Click to Play:
Nisanga leaves today. He will be missed.
Nirjarini knows a better full meal deal.
The new in color for socks is now apparently bright orange

Aranyani reads the daily prayer
Click to Play:
Enthusiasm Awakeners
Click to Play:
Our goal is not fixed;
It is always transcending itself.
When we are about to reach
Our long-awaited goal,
We immediately see a new goal
In front of us.
To reach this new goal
Is not a one-inch journey.
It is also a very long distance away.
Wow! Very inspiring interview with Vasu. I guess he embodies what Guru said, humility is the greatest power.