“It is a very very special morning. This is the last morning of the race.”
Jayasalini describes how now, with just 41 miles to go, she wants to absorb every last drop of the experience she has had these past 51 days. “The fragrance of the course, the beauty of the course. To be grateful, grateful, for every morning. For every step. It is a very special morning.”
“I know that many many people are waiting for me back home. I got so many many experiences here, that I think that I definitely have changed, something changed inside me. First you receive, you absorb, than you want to share it.”
“To be honest it is beyond beyond my understanding, what is happening here. What’s I felt during the whole race, is that I need to be here for this very moment. I need to do what I have to do. This is taking one step after another, and be grateful for every step. I feel that this is what the Supreme wants me to do. To be here and to run, and to be grateful and to be happy.”
“To accept whatever comes, and just move forward. No matter what happens. Come what may. Just go on.”
“What is happening in the inner world, it is beyond my understanding.”
“The last couple of weeks were much slower. The 109 laps that you need to do in average in the beginning it seemed very very doable.” (Jayasalini did 104 yesterday) I was pretty constant. But now it feels like an Everest. The last couple of weeks I have averaged 105 laps. I was counting every night when I went home. I have a table on my wall. So I was more or less conscious of where I was. I tried not to worry at all. At some point I realized that the Supreme would take care of the mileage. I said to the Supreme that it was all up to you. I will just try and think of you. To be with you inwardly, all the time.”
“From that time I just stopped worrying. Of course sometime thoughts come. Deep inside I felt that whatever happens is the best. This is just an experience that the Supreme wants me to go through. I will just do it.”
“I admire every runner on the course. From every runner I feel something special, an energy or quality. The way that Sarah runs is really beyond my understanding. How was it possible for her to run so so fast and so strong. How is it possible to do this on your feet each day.” She describes her experience of just Sarah passing her on the course with such speed and power. “I don’t know how it was possible.”
“This is one of the questions that I still have no answer.”
“William is so so focused. All the time during the whole day. He can be looking just a few meters ahead. You can see that nothing else exists around him. Just he, himself, and running, moving forward so fast.”
“Nidhruvi’s experience I also admire her. I bow to her soul and to her determination. I ask myself many times. How I would feel if I had this experience. I don’t know if I could stay. To continue like she does. Still to be cheerful. Still to smile. That is amazing.”
“I feel that what is happening here can inspire many many people. William’s example yesterday, that he finished at his age. At 60, to run so fast. To do this is something beyond. This is an example that will inspire many many people of his generation. And also young people. I hope and I feel that more girls will want to come to this race. I feel it strongly.”
“For me to be here and do every step is to please the Supreme in his own way. This was my only goal.”
Click to Play Interview:
This Japanese Maple tree has observed the countless comings and goings of many people over the years. It has survived and flourished in a place that it is exposed to lots of activity. Directly in front of Thomas Edison High School.
It was planted in a small and simple ceremony on October 11th, 1975. As part of a celebration to mark Sri Chinmoy’s recent completion of 100, 000 Jharna Kala paintings. They would be followed of course by millions more.
Nearly 30 years have passed since then. The little tree now grown large, and despite all that has happened in and around and to it, it somehow still endures. In its own way offers the beauty of nature to all who would see it. And also still offers something deep and inner to all who can feel it.

October 11,1975
Something divine may be
Beyond your need today,
But it can never remain
Beyond your need forever.
For every day
A new message from Heaven
Is touching the earth-shore.
This little running movie is still my favorite. It is rough in parts and yet tells something about Sri Chinmoy and his love of running that I have never repeated. Made in March 2009.
Music by Parichayaka