I make a joke with Yuri this morning. He is running so fast and easy. So relaxed and comfortable it is almost as though he could not possibly have been here, doing this very hard thing for 46 straight days.
Where are you going? I ask.
“Inward to my heart. I am in a hurry to go deep inside to my heart. It is a good place and I feel very good there.”
“When I wake up I am like most people, I am in my mind. But when I start running, I dive deep within my heart and start running there. I am really happy there. It is a wonderful place.”
So You will never leave the course?
“I actually don’t want to stop. I felt such sorrow that I will have to stop today. I want to continue. It is such a beautiful place here. What I experience here I never felt before in my life. Nowhere.”
“Maybe this place is like a magnet. It is pulling runners more and more from all over the world.”
He had said that coming here was a bit like going to school. It was something that you progressed each year by attending.
“It is more than school. There are no limits. You can dive deeper and deeper inside your heart or it is like flying higher and higher in the sky. For me it is just that every time I come the experiences I have here are becoming deeper. It is like a very tall tree, and as you climb this tree. Your view of the horizon is continually expanding, and you can see farther.”
Last year, in his first race here you could say that is was not an easy experience compared to this time. He did manage to finish in 51 days and 4 hours. But what has happened to him this year maybe one of the most improved performances by any runner ever. His pace this year is such that when compared to last year he would have won the race with his predicted time today. He started the morning 256 miles ahead of last year. Nearly 4 days faster.
“Actually my results are not so important. The most important thing is the consciousness in which you are running. How you feel. This year I feel much better inwardly. I studied very seriously what Sri Chinmoy has said about this race. He did not speak about the runners outer results. For me the most important thing is not to be first but to be one with everyone here. To feel oneness.”
“Actually I feel that the most important thing is to share with everyone what you are experiencing through oneness.”
He describes this experience that he is having as something he knows that we all have within our own hearts as well. It is through running here that has awakened him to this.
“If I could I would just open my heart and give and show everyone what I feel and what I am. Because this is much better than any words.”
Click to Play Interview: (Translation by Anastasia)
Film made at the start of the race 2006
Across the street Sri Chinmoy ran the 47 mile race on his birthday August 27th 2 times. The first time he ran in 1979 his time was 12:41:48. The following year on his second attempt, when this picture was taken he ran more than an hour faster. His time was 11:27:24.
My life’s only road:
My heart’s only road:
My soul’s only road:
Sri Chinmoy, Morning blessing-call-prayers, Agni Press, 2010