“It is such a long race, but whey you are nearing the finish you start to savor every moment because you know it is coming to an end.” After 42 days of running Sarah has completed 2100 miles. Certainly not the kind of distance she had hoped for at the beginning, now so many weeks ago, and yet she has run for more days and for a longer distance than she has ever done before.
For quite a long time now the big, 3100 mile finish line just drew further and further away from her ability to reach it.(This time) Many other athletes when faced with this discouraging scenario would have simply opted out. Packed their bags and headed off instead to warm showers and soft beds.
There are times when we see in others such powerful and illumining qualities that we can be surprised and also hopefully inspired by them as well. Sarah has amply demonstrated here an incredible strength, resilience, perseverance, and bravery. Strong inner qualities that don’t quickly become evident when you take just a quick glance and see just her kind and gentle nature. Her long battles here however show a much different dimension of who and what she is. These epic experiences have placed her front and center with many unavoidable encounters with a number of significant inner adversaries.
Just finding her way around and through a long standing foot injury showed that she had an incredible grit and determination. Yet perhaps her greatest adversary was simply dealing with what looks like a small battle, but really for most of us it is just so much more challenging. For many our greatest adversary is simply dealing with our own doubt and disappointment. How well she has fared in this is evident simply by the fact that she is happy and still out there on the course.
I mention that now she has just 10 days more, a time she has had to confront many times in the yearly Spring races in Flushing Meadow. “10 days is still a long time.”
“The mind is our biggest enemy. This place could be a playground the whole time if you chose to see it that way, in the best consciousness. It is like our every day life. Sometime we get down, and we think, why do we have to do this. I think the mind has a lot to do with it.”
“I am really thinking every day at a time now. The foot injury feels like I am managing it, for the first time, in a long time. It is not giving me a lot of trouble so I hope to run a little better. I really feel like I want to enjoy each lap. I feel like there is a change right now. People have got through the extremely hard times. But who knows what’s ahead.”
As she contemplates the final moments of the race, “really I think I am going to miss it. I never thought I would say that, but when I go home to my regular life, I am going to remember that this is a kind of spiritual world here. It is a mini world. Everyone you speak to has a slightly different perspective on life. I am really going to miss that.”
Why do you live inside your body
To become a puppet of your foe, fear?
Why do you live inside your mind
To become a puppet of your foe, doubt?
Live inside your heart
To become an admirer of your true friend,
Your soul.
Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 48, Agni Press, 1982