How often is it that we feel that we have so many countless possible choices popping up all around us and then we fail to select any one of them and thus are unable to begin anything new in our lives. The decision of any of the 12 runners to come or not to come here has to be categorized as one of the most fundamental and difficult ones that any person might have to decide in their lives. Not coming means a summer safely removed from intense physical suffering but also one in which true inner satisfaction and self fulfillment is almost entirely eliminated as well.
Time and again when asked, each and every runner here usually feels that eventually there was no conceivable other option than to come here and run. Almost as though the decision had already been made long ago. Coming ultimately from a place deep within in which the mind is deaf to, but the heart has an intimate connection with and hears, and then tries to respond and act upon each and every soulful request.
When we allow ourselves to be caught up and enmeshed in all the world’s usual whims and wants than by default we scarcely have any real choices either. Mainly it becomes only which temptation to give into. To succumb to this fate though is an almost virtual commitment to ignorance and allowing ourselves to be imprisoned by our own foolish desires.
It may not seem easy to move from darkness into light and yet if we believe and accept the simple truth that it is from light that we have come into existence. Than it is into light that we must once again return and become one with our source. It is only then that our journey’s victory may eternally and triumphantly be declared.
My success-choice
Has made my life
My progress-choice
Will make my heart
Always laudable.
Sri Chinmoy, My Bondage-Life Is My Self-Invention, Agni Press, 1993.