July 14: Encouragement -Strength

There is probably no sporting competition in which the support and encouragement of fans and loved ones does not play some vital role in the ultimate performance of an athlete.

Not that long ago when I was more active in running events the sound of someone shouting my name while circling a track or calling out from  the edge of a long challenging road always added a powerful lift to my spirits as well as to the energy of my steps.

This kind of encouragement always has the ability to somehow lighten the heavy burden of effort we feel weighted down about our shoulders.  Even when you find the last strands of hope slipping away from your grasp a cheer and clapping hands can ignite the embers of your fading dreams. That somehow the goal can be once again brought just a little closer and our arrival there that much more swift when others reach out with their hearts magnanimity and oneness.

No matter how solitary we might be or how indifferent to the world we might think we are, sincere encouragement from another is a truly valuable gift.  Our body may be oblivious our mind deaf but our heart will always be aware of encouragement and be uplifted by it.  It is also something that never diminishes or takes away anything from the giver.  Our bodies may lack at times energy and speed but our hearts can reach within to an unlimited source of strength that ultimately connects us all.  Yet we mortals somehow forget or loose the key to open this vast unlimited divinity within ourselves.  We all know inwardly that when we help another rise above the darkness we are bringing the glowing promise of tomorrow just a little bit closer for all of aspiring humanity.




Our outer journey
Needs God’s Compassion-Eye
For its encouragement.
Our inner journey
Needs God’s Satisfaction-Heart
To reach its destination.




July 13: Best Out Of Themselves

The 4 young men were on the playing field for much of the morning.  When they first arrived  they did a long routine of strength and conditioning exercises but it was not clear what sport they were preparing for.   It was obvious though that the slightly older of the 4 was a coach to the rest.  His shirt was bright orange and the others attentively listened and watched his every move.

He seemed very knowledgeable about what he was teaching. Eventually it became obvious that he was showing them how to pitch.  They gathered round him as he demonstrated how his fingers neatly  hugged the seams of the ball, his arm swinging effortlessly up and over his shoulder, and than the snap of his wrist as he released the ball.

His voice with its thick New York accent sailed much further than the trajectory of his pitches.  Eventually one of this students strode up onto the mound with enthusiasm, a smile, and a warm and limber right arm.  He started firing the ball across the plate.  The catchers mitt sizzled as the ball smacked loudly against the leather.  A clear and confident sound not unlike the tidy comfort you sometimes get when a car door thunks closed, neat and tight.

I had no reason to believe that the young men practicing at America’s favorite pastime would take any interest at what was happening just outside the fence beyond them.  That they would even notice the endlessly circling parade of runners  going around and around in the still morning air.

I would have thought they were thinking only of fast accurately thrown balls evading the powerful swipe of a big wooden bat.  Maybe allowing their dreams to drift them away from a little patch of green here till they landed under the bright lights of some giant stadium with the fate of the game resting on their young energetic shoulders.

Yet at one moment I was near the fence when the coach came over and spoke through the fence to Sarvagata.  “We wit you man.  Running 3100 miles is no joke.”

No big announcement is made at the starting line this morning.  It all looks much like it has on the previous 26 days.  Yet today, as the now 11 runners strode forward for the 27th time into the joys and pains of another long long day of running, the future can no longer be blank or faded.

For what distinguished this day from all the many that have already swept by and the many more yet to come is that this day is the precise middle point of the race.  There are now no more unlimited tomorrows but instead a very precise and, stingy for some, number of days that are available ahead.  This subtle  yet unavoidable reality hoovers in the air like a relentless scent that cannot be disturbed by any breeze.  For this morning marks the  official half way point.

For some, who gratefully find themselves flying confidently towards the inevitable finish line, it makes not much difference what day it is.  Yet for those who are struggling or perhaps still trying to tap into some yet undiscovered reservoir of speed and strength, no longer blind to this stark bare  truth can they be.  If you do not have 1550 miles on the board you are not halfway.

If we practise meditation regularly, faithfully and devotedly, not only do we come closer to our Goal, but the Goal itself comes running toward us.

Halfway along the path, the Goal and the runner meet to fulfil each other’s needs.

By reaching the Goal, the runner fulfil his task, the task of realising the highest possible Truth.

And by reaching the runner, the Goal makes the manifestation of the highest Truth not only possible and practicable but also inevitable.

The Goal and the runner fulfil themselves as they fulfil their respective roles in the life of aspiration and in the life of manifestation.


Sri Chinmoy, Fifty Freedom-Boats To One Golden Shore, Part 1, Agni Press, 1974.

Continue reading “July 13: Best Out Of Themselves”

July 4: Each Time You Take A Step

Today America is celebrating the biggest and boldest of all its major holidays, for it is the 4th of July, American Independence day.  There will be flag waving and barbecues from coast to coast.  People are getting out early in their cars and are heading for beaches and parks and playgrounds.  This year it is taking place smack dab in the middle of the work week so it will be the briefest possible of celebratory breaks in this busy country.  For tomorrow everyone will have to get back to work once again.

There will be some people of course for which today will represent something other than sunscreen and sandwiches.  For deep within the exterior of things both large and small is usually some purpose and vision that is not so easily noticed by those who simply  don’t take the time to really look.

Just like the run taking place here,  America itself has deep and powerful inner qualities, that resonate and sparkle within the fabric of American life.  Critics will always be able to catalog a lengthy list of the shortcomings of America just as if you try you can find fault with any other country, with yourself most certainly, and for a hopeless few even be critics of God.

Sri Chinmoy spent most of his life living in America for he felt that from this special vantage point here the Supreme could manifest in and through him countless visionary projects that would help inspire and uplift the entire world.

In 1976 his Liberty Torch project began here, and like nearly all of his brand new creations it would eventually expand and grow into something even vaster and all encompassing.

In 1987 that vision expanded beyond the shores of America and became global with the creation of the Peace Run.

You can keep the spirit of the Peace Run burning throughout the length and breadth of the world if you can imagine that each time you take a step, you are offering to the Supreme a new joy. With each step you are taking, feel that you are placing a new flower of beauty, purity and divinity at the Feet of our Lord Beloved Supreme. I am using the word ‘imagine’, but it is not imagination; it is reality itself.

Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy Answers, Part 17, Agni Press, 1999.

Dear Readers please note that there will be a brief period of no new posts. I appreciate your tireless support and humbly ask for your patience as well.

Continue reading “July 4: Each Time You Take A Step”

July 3: Run With God

At the 1952 Olympic games in Helsinki an English middle distance runner named Roger Rannister was disappointed at finishing 4th in his race the 1,500 meters.  For him his time was a personal best and also a British record but his achievement came without a gold medal attached.

After that race he seriously considered retiring from sport altogether.  It took him 2 months to finally make his decision.  What he there and then decided was also the same serious goal as all the best middle distance runners in the world.  He decided that he wanted to become the first man to run the mile in under 4 minutes.

At the time he was studying medicine and as was the custom of the time he had to try and find a balance between his studies and his training.  His schedule was so rigorous however that in fact he only had time to train around 11 o’clock each night. 2 years later on May 6 1954 at the Iffley road track in Oxford England in front of 3,000 spectators and news reel cameras history was made when he ran 3:59:4.

The earth seemed to move with me. I found a new source of power and beauty, a source I never knew existed.”

Click to play video:     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz3ZLpCmKCM

Pure sporting competition has a way of pulling and pushing us automatically to new and greater heights.  Whenever most people see this picture of Bannister even if they don’t recognize him or his achievement that day it still carries profound inspirational value as a moment of perfect transcendence.  Bannister of course would go onto other competitions but later in his life felt that his contributions to medicine were of much more importance to the world.

By now I have taken thousands of pictures of the 3100 mile race and none will have quite the thrill and power of this one of him setting his world record.  Yet I suspect, despite the limitations of my skills as a photographer, the faces of those who run here can and do communicate much more than meets the eye. Something subtle which is immediately recognizable to those who understand and identify themselves with the inner runner in all of us.

World history of a different sort is being writ large and bright upon this little concrete rectangle in Queens every day.  One that can inspire the mind  and illumine the aspiring consciousness within the hearts of God Seekers everywhere.

When we run in the inner life, we have to feel that we are not only running against ignorance; we are also running with God.

In a 100-metre dash, if one runner is 70 metres ahead of another runner, then the one who is far behind will not have any inspiration to run.

But if the leading runner is only a few steps ahead, then the one who is behind feels determined to overtake him.

That is why, when God runs with us, He uses only a little of His infinite Capacity. Only then will human beings have the inspiration and aspiration to catch Him and run with Him. God stays only a few steps ahead of us so that He can be seen, felt and ultimately realised.

Sri Chinmoy, The Outer Running And The Inner Running, Agni Press, 1974.

Continue reading “July 3: Run With God”

July 2: Surrender To The Experience

The currents of life are so strong that it is nearly impossible for any of us to remain static or immobile for long.  There is no safe lofty perch to cling to and from which we can then view the tsunami of the world beneath us shift and evolve without us being caught up in its relentless power and force one way or another. Even trying to retreat into our own past is impossible for inevitably we are flung back into the present.

We can try an lock down the doors of opportunity, stuff cotton wool in our ears and be deaf and immune to the calls and cries  of humanity around us but inevitably something deeper and higher in us will snatch away our deafness and defeat  and pull us back into facing the divine task lying in front of us.  Our goal is patient and our goal is kind.  Despite allowing ourselves to be temporarily engulfed in billowing clouds of our stubborn resistance the call does not tire or surrender to the forces that would hold us back.

Our long  friendship with  ignorance will and must one day come to an end.  For on the skybright horizon of eternity is our destination.  When we can listen to our only true friend within and answer to his call we will then no longer recognize hesitation or delay in any guise. At this time our name will be nothing other than transcendence itself.  And just beyond one more name awaits us, perfect perfection.

When Sri Chinmoy began weightlifting just over 27 years ago very few if any could have imagined just how far the journey would go or in fact that it would be remain an integral part of his life.  It can be argued that it appeared to be at the time, an almost plan B.  A second best athletic solution to his true favorite sport which was running.  Which at that time was being compromised by persistent physical ailments, particularly  his knees.  At the same time he said, “The inner reason is because my Inner Pilot, my God, has commanded me to lift. For that reason I do it cheerfully.”

A spiritual master has of course clear access to the highest heights of spirituality and there was no confusion or hesitation at any time when he was asked from within to attempt anything and everything he did.  On rare occasions he  was not always immediately successful, the case of his 300 pound lift is legendary.  For 4 long months in the summer of 1986 he attempted to lift 300 pounds 214 times.  For his students at the time it was a powerful lesson on the very nature of persevering when confronted by a seemingly insurmountable obstacle.

His many lessons to his students and in fact to all of the aspiring world were demonstrated in powerful and yet clear and simple ways.  Certainly as exemplified each day here at his very own Self Transcendence race, the aspiring cry of the inner life cannot be separate or remain isolated from the soulful dynamism of our outer reality.

When we live in the progress-world, always there is tremendous joy. This joy comes not only from transcending one’s capacities but from the effort itself. Say I have set my goal at 300 pounds, and I cannot do it. The very fact that I have been devotedly practising and practising gives me joy, and the tenacity or perseverance that I am showing is itself progress. Anything that we do devotedly and soulfully helps us make progress.”

Continue reading “July 2: Surrender To The Experience”

July 1: Love The Unknown

Sri Chinmoy finishing 47 mile race 1980

There are times in all our lives when we genuinely feel inspired to attempt something really difficult.  To courageously step out from our safe well padded fortress of comfort and stability and venture into the unknown.

Young people of course do this on an almost daily basis because the nature of youth is to explore all the dimensions of their world and expand upon what they see, what they know, and what they do within it.

As we age it quite often becomes the norm to loose courage and loose hope that there is anything more that we can still achieve. That just maybe the life and world as we know  is already good enough.

Sri Chinmoy constantly worked upon and expanded the dimensions of his many worlds of achievement.  It did not matter whether it was sport, art, literature, or any other field of endeavor that he cared to take up.

His tireless  efforts to transcend himself was a luminous beacon of hope and inspiration for all those who felt defeated or bound by the world of limitation.   For any whose perception of reality had become stuck fast in  a prison without light and without the beckoning dreams arising from our limitless inner wealth.

Not just by speech but by practical repeated example he proved that nothing was impossible, that we should never give up, and that self transcendence was not just a good philosophy but we should also live by it, and feel that it was part of our very existence just like he did.

For those curious about any aspect of this philosophy and what it really means than even a brief visit to the race and you will become aware of what it is in action.  There is an unrestricted open invitation for anyone anytime anywhere to become part of it.  If not in a physical way than even through your heart’s oneness.   You can offer good will or even just good intentions but more importantly you must not leave without taking from it as well.

Take from it as much inspiration and illumination as you can.   So that when the next time a heart dream beckons for you to come.  You do not hesitate even for a moment and allow it to disappear without even trying.

My Lord Supreme,
When I pray to You,
I see the sky lifting me up
High, higher, highest.

When I meditate on You,
I see the same sky descending
Slowly, steadily and unerringly
And touching my earth-existence
Most compassionately.

My Lord Supreme, You are telling me
Not to be afraid of the Unknown,
But to love the Unknown
And become one with the Unknown,
For this unknown Reality
Will not remain forever unknown,
And my life’s perfection
And my heart’s satisfaction
Will grow in it.

My Lord, make me ready
And make me worthy
Of Your blessingful Promise to me.


Sri Chinmoy, My Sweet Father-Lord, Where Are You?, Agni Press, 1999.


Continue reading “July 1: Love The Unknown”

June 30: Get Inspired

There are many things in our lives that we are fond of or attached to but probably really do not ultimately give us much joy or any sense of an inner thrill.  We often try and erect safe fences at the outer boundaries of our mental perception of the world around us and then carefully try and monitor and judge what if any new thing we will allow into our life. As for truly offering ourselves, we mentally negotiate little contracts with the not so subtle stipulation that we need to get back at least as much as we are willing to give.  All this creates a safe predictable life but one that will never extend our experience beyond the boring and limited confines of the material world.

Here at the 3100 quite a different experience is offered to any and all who accept its open invitation to be part of it in any way.  There are moments when it is possible to see the race as some vast Niagara of unconditional surrender.  12 runners have made a Supreme leap of faith 2 weeks ago into an unfathomable transcendence experience.  One that their hearts and beings did not even try and bargain for anything in return.

On the inner plane an eventual outcome may already be realized but it is still weeks and miles away from being revealed.  For now however real achievement is not so much based on how many miles they have accumulated but how much they each selflessly and willingly give of  themselves.   The real reward is each precious moment that they unfasten themselves from limitation and fix their gaze on the limitless now.  Remember who they are within and where their journey ultimately leads to.

Photo by Jowan 2007

He is intellectual. What does it mean? It means that the weight of his head far surpasses the weight of the rest of his body.

You are spiritual. What does it mean? It means that the weight of your heart far surpasses the weight of the rest of your body.

There is a striking difference between his head and your heart. His head quite often does not love his body. His head belittles the body’s capacity and the needs of the physical. But you have a different story to tell.

Your heart loves your body. Your heart inspires your body to love God. From its own personal experiences your heart tells your body that there is only one way to be happy and fulfilled and that is to love God and serve God in every way.


Sri Chinmoy, Earth-Bound Journey And Heaven-Bound Journey, Agni Press, 1975.

Continue reading “June 30: Get Inspired”

June 29: Frutiful Opportunity

Any time in the past few weeks that I have felt tired, or sore, or simply just draped myself with a large heavy coat of self pity I have had to stop and give myself a sharp wake up call.  For no matter how bad things might seem to be for me there are 12 runners here who could at any moment look at my inconsequential suffering and gladly exchange it with theirs as quickly as changing shoes.  For the measure of any of my suffering in this time, if it were examined more closely, would be like trying to gather dust blowing on a breeze.  For how bad really are most of our self declared failures or disappointments.  Is it not we who bring upon most of our life tragedies by simply releasing the tiller of our life boat and then finding ourself unsurprisingly sailing into a rocky cove of indulgence or ignorance.

If you can imagine, even for a moment the burden that each has to bear and just how any of us might weather the ordeal if it was us in their places.  If it was we whose lives where by now so intimately embedded into the fabric of this block that we became a permanent fixture here.  Mobile of course but never ever straying very far these past very long and full 2 weeks.  The irony as well, that even though we had covered more than 700 miles in that endless time,  the finish line is still so far away that it is not even yet a glimmer in the darkness.

Sometime yesterday Arpan slowly and gradually renewed an old acquaintance with shin splints.   Each of the past 7 days he had gradually increased his mileage.  His enthusiasm and energy level yesterday was sky high and he was the cheerful Arpan that most people know.  He is still cheerful today but his body certainly is not.  I will not repeat what he is saying in the above picture as Pedro tries to massage his shins.  Select some appropriate colorful descriptive language that you still would repeat in front of your Mother and you would no doubt be not far off.

On a personal level you cannot help but be sympathetic and a little miserable when a friend is suffering like this.  He, like all the runners are attempting something monumental and significant.  There is no fine print in the contract of our lives that we can choose to disagree with or make exchanges with our personal experiences.  Select from an exclusive menu in which every moment will be full of delicious peace and bliss.  In 2004 he rode this same rough patch for 9 days and then ultimately broke free of his pain and reached his goal.  Knowing Arpan, even though the finish line his still far away, the chances of him surrendering to his pain are much further.


Sri Chinmoy 47 mile race 1980…photo by Shradha

We can think of ourselves as two halves: imperfection is one half, and our sincere cry for perfection is the other half.

One side is weakness, and the other side is strength. With our inner cry for perfection, let us run towards our destination and reach the illumination-shore.

When our being is fully illumined, then dark, ignorant forces are afraid to come near us. Before we reach the destination, they challenge us.

But once we reach the illumination-destination, the ignorant forces do not dare enter into us because they feel that they will be totally destroyed.

They do not know that they will only be transformed and illumined.

 Sri Chinmoy, The Outer Running And The Inner Running, Agni Press, 1974.


The body’s painful experience is the soul’s fruitful opportunity.

Sri Chinmoy, To-Morrow’s Dawn, Agni Press, 1982.

Continue reading “June 29: Frutiful Opportunity”

June 28: Happiness Beyond That

We are now almost about to crest into the apex of summer.  It is the classic time in which there is a convergence of all kinds of world class sporting events, which are going on now or are soon about to.   From my vantage point behind the counter of a certain food establishment I daily hear endless comments from passionate sport fans about their favorite teams or individual athletes.  Speculation and predictions ramp up to stratospheric levels as the events imminently approach.  Later after the competition is over there is either tears or cheering and always a detailed analysis about what went right and or what went wrong.

Not all of us love or identify with every sport but in general, top level athletic competition of any sort has a way of connecting with us on one level or another.  We intrinsically realize that we can never become smarter, or prettier than we already are.  Yet  deep inside the tantalizing but illusive possibility always exists, that if we try even just a little bit we can always raise up our fitness and athletic ability. That this tiny improvement in our physical body will also in many ways uplift our own life experience and our perception of ourselves.

The Self Transcendence 3100 mile race however will never and can never be broken down into hard digestible bits.

There are no winners and losers and for those who get real inspiration from what is happening here it has little or nothing to do with the plastic numbers tallied up in a neat row beside each name.

So precious few have the capacity to even take part here and yet its blazing inspirational value can brighten  the lives of countless people.  And not just those who dash over to the course for a few minutes now and then and happen to live in Queens NY.

Many as well around the world feel their hearts respond in a deep and uplifting way whenever their thoughts turn even momentarily to what is taking place here.

It happens because Sri Chinmoy created this event not jut to challenge a handful of gifted runner athletes by setting an almost impossible goal but also to inspire all of humanity with the eternal message of self transcendence.

One that all of us must eventually listen to no matter how deaf or tired we think we might be today.  For within, we are all one with all those who run here.  We are not gifted with its pain or its glory, but how can we for long resist  the immortal goal that they are reaching and rising up to become.  One that calls not just to them alone but to each and all of crying and struggling humanity.

We are all seekers who wish to transcend our present realities.

Why do we want to transcend? We want to transcend because the life of ignorance, bondage, imperfection and death cannot satisfy us.

We want to achieve something. We want to grow into something which is eternal; we want to grow into the very image of Immortality.

 Right in front of us there are two worlds: the world of desire and the world of aspiration.

When our life belongs to the desire-world, we feel that satisfaction is always a far cry.

When our life belongs to the aspiration-world, we feel that satisfaction is our birthright. The life of desire is a life of self-chosen bondage.

The life of aspiration is a life of God-chosen transcendence.


Sri Chinmoy, Fifty Freedom-Boats To One Golden Shore, Part 3, Agni Press, 1974.

Continue reading “June 28: Happiness Beyond That”

June 27: The Impossible Is Possible

For 18 hours a day the lives of the 12 runners here are intertwined in an intricate blend of poise and pain and of sky high dreams and grinding despair.  For 10 days straight they have never been further from each other than the unyielding dimensions of this unforgiving New York city block.  Yet at other moments despite even the scuffing proximity of another runner’s foot steps filling their ears right beside them, they could not be more alone.

Sometimes feeling so vulnerable and helpless that it is almost as though they are cast adrift in a limitless sea.  One in which they themselves courageously and willingly immersed themselves.   Setting off from one safe comfortable shore 10 long days ago and now their goal still remains so far off that it seems to be way beyond the mightiest cast of their loftiest imagination.

The smiling faces of helpers weave in and out of the fabric of the day in a unscripted choreography of generous service and sublime intentions.  Even the most well meaning and sympathetic presence however will soon eventually slip away as the day grows stifling or the heavy shadows of night tumbles down about them.

The runners here of course may feel for a time that they are alone but still they can never ever be separated from the mountain task poised threateningly and immobile in front of them.  So daunting to reach that at times even their precious allies hope and determination scatter timidly to the sidelines replaced instead by doubt and fatigue as they try to steal their places in their hearts.

Grahak on the phone with Canberra friends

Grahak’s friends back home in Australia have been keenly following his progress here.  The yawning gulf that separates him physically from home is not so great that emails and faxes cannot be dashed off and in his hand almost instantly.  There is a large group that really cares for him just as there are others following all the runners from Bulgaria, Switzerland, and all the other countries represented here.  Dear ones trying to bridge the yawning physical chasm between them.  Reaching out and sending love, hope, and prayers that are greatly appreciated and will always find an inviting reception in the hearts of those running here who need it most.

Grahak was really looking forward to a phone call from Australia this morning.  He had received a text message that one was imminent.  His helper Satyakarma sorted out all the logistics.  He has been running hard the past 10 days and is even on pace to do a personal best and by doing so would set a new Australian record.


Alone he stood
Above all storms of life.

He stood alone
To challenge pain and strife.

Alone he stood
To feed a blooming race.

He stood alone
To change earth’s tearful face.


Sri Chinmoy, Kennedy: The Universal Heart, Agni Press, 1973.

Continue reading “June 27: The Impossible Is Possible”