Late one night a few days ago as William was taking the short walk back to the house that he shares with Ray K, he probably enjoyed for at least a brief moment that sweet realization that he had just set his first record here at the race.
It is a feeling he is going to have the opportunity to enjoy many more times as the race progresses. As a 60 year old male ultra runner he is currently actively engaged in the process of essentially rewriting just about all the ultra distance records that exist, not just in Scotland, not just in the UK, but also in the World.
But perhaps what is even more marvelous is that many of the records that William Sichel from Sanday Orkney is establishing here in Queens NY, are ones that he is creating for the very first time.
“I have got all the data with me, all the sheets, all the information. But I have literally no time to look at it. All I am doing is collecting the times for every 500 km and every 500 miles. I have official sheets to chart the times. So I am handing them over to the race referee at the appropriate moment. Then stuffing them in my bag and forgetting about them.”
If there is anything on his mind most days it is simply trying to make sure he runs 110 laps of the course. (At the start of Day 12 he has 1219 laps)
“As you know, last night I only got to the magic 110 laps at 5 minutes to 12. After the race I will sort it all out. The most important thing is to collect the data and preserve it. Which I do by photographing the sheets.”
“There is no doubt that from now on I will be starting to set a lot of records.”
Last night William completed 10 days on the course and in that time he has 668 miles. But the almost incomprehensible greater picture of what he still has yet to do he does not really look at. “My main motivation is the 110 laps every day, that is the magic mark. That is a pretty big incentive every day.”
If one were to design the ultimate body for a life time of distance running the creator could probably not have come up with a better or more efficient design, for economy of motion, reliable and durable parts, and an engine and drive train. That when William gets going in a race he doesn’t really like to stop for anything.”
After the great wad of record sheets are pulled out of Williams plastic binder after the race are all scrutinized and analyzed and examined from top to bottom William could be adding something like 70 more records to the 95 records he currently already has.
As for retirement that is simply not part of his plans. For the 60 year old William Sichel has every intention of continuing to push on out into the uncharted realms of ultra running.
My soul and I always dare
To travel the uncharted land
Of impossible dreams.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 10, Agni Press, 1998
On June 26th 1985 Sri Chinmoy at age 54 first started his weight lifting by raising a 40 lb dumbbell over his head. By November 18 of that year he had increased the weight to 155 lbs.