“Tarit told me yesterday, you have gone through 1800 miles. He could have said any number he wanted. You are running along and the days have gone by and you see the numbers 1800 on the board. You just feel the same tiredness. There could have been any numbers at all. They just don’t mean anything at all. I just glance at the board occasionally.”
“For me I just have to wrap myself up in my own world. I don’t even listen to anything. (MP3 player) I find that I have to associate, Just focus on what I am doing. To maintain my form and a nice easy running pace. That is what gets the job done for me.”
“Where others here like to distract themselves. Which for me doesn’t seem to work. Dissociation is to have distraction of some sort. Talking to someone and listening to music. Whereas association which I tend to like is to just focus on the process of doing it. Using cue words and mantras and that sort of thing.”
“This time of the morning I use….short and quick…. short and quick….short and quick. You just say it in time with your steps.” He then says it out loud a few times and his words match the sound of his foot steps.”
“Other times of the day it might be …..smooth and focused…….smooth and focused. Especially in the evening I tend to use that one a lot. I take a deep breath and I imagine that there is a ball deep down in my bladder area, and I am blowing it up. So I do deep breathing and as I breathe out I say ….smooth and focused. I use that a few times every lap. These are very highly rehearsed. It is like a form of self hypnosis. That is what always seems to work for me.”
“I have got music but maybe I am missing out. But I like my own thoughts and it seems to be getting the job done.”
Just about 500 miles ago which in race time was about 8 days, the Scottish record books were now clear and open for him to leave his own fresh marks. The great Scottish/Canadian runner Al Howie had set some extraordinary times all the way up to 1300 miles. His record time of 16 days and 19 hours set in 1991 at the Self Transcendence race here in New York.
William has spent the last 31 days of his life here doing nothing else other than focus on running. He has been preparing himself for the better part of the past 20 years to be the best ultra runner he can be. He may as well over the next 21 days also demonstrate that he is the best 60 year old ultra runner in the world. He still has a very long distance left to go. 1300 miles more and just 3 weeks in which to do it.
As I jog beside him I am as much aware of his gentle and thoughtful words as I am to the sound his light steps make along the sidewalk. A sound that he has heard and has attuned himself to, much more than conversations and car horns. Each light step carrying him on without any of the distractions that ensnare all of us each and every day.
And so because he has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the impossible of running 3100 miles, it grows just a little closer each day, with each new mile, and each new lap. Which as of midnight last night was 3291 times so far around a High School in Queens New York.
Question asked of Sri Chinmoy: How does running fit in with your teaching?
But even on the outer plane our capacity is constantly expanding. Right now 1,300 miles is our longest race. To run 1,300 miles in 18 days is almost beyond our imagination. We feel that is our ultimate capacity. But previously we felt that 1,000 miles was the limit. Who thought of a 1,300-mile race five years ago? At that time people would have thought I was a crazy man if I had suggested that. But now you see that this crazy man was right because people are doing it. Somebody just has to start. We always have to go ahead because life means progress.
For full answer:
Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy answers, part 29, Agni Press, 2001