It has taken me a lot longer than I hoped to gather up all the bits and pieces of the 47 mile race this year and I apologize to all those who have patiently waited to see pictures and listen to the voices of those who took part that wonderful night.
For me the race holds so many precious memories, particularly of course in the years when Sri Chinmoy not only came to watch and inspire the runners but also on those 2 historic occasions when he actually ran himself.
In 1980 Sri Chinmoy ran the race for the 2nd time with a time of 11:27, which transcended his time from the previous year. I also ran the race that night for the 3rd time. I was able to complete the race in 6:19 and then get out my film camera to record this footage.
New generations of runners have come and found their own love and inspiration for an event that is like no other.
They are building upon their own memories and yet the core of inspiration that compelled us to stand on the dusty track for the first time, to head off into the unknown 39 years ago remains intact and continually transcendent. To honor our beloved spiritual teacher on his birthday in a profound and tangible way.
To take part means one sets off running at midnight. To complete those sacred 47 miles means for most the necessity of calling forth all of who you are and all that you have within. To uncover and reveal all of your heart’s dedication and perhaps step up even one tiny rung on our timeless self transcendence journey.
Pratyaya and Mantrita
It is a perfect night
Tarit directing traffic
*Click Below To See Rest of Report*