The bright bell tone of the singing bowl radiates outward like a warm gentle breeze. It’s sound is light, clear, and soothing. It’s music reaches well beyond your ear and then on into some internal place calm, deep and still within the listener. Utsahi smiles as he gently stirs his wooden mallet in a methodical even tempo around and around the worn outer rim of the bowl. Something many other hands have probably done for more than a century. Today the listeners are the runners who slip by and are only briefly caught up in its spell.
It gleams as it rests in the palm of his left hand. To get it to sing is not difficult but your touch has to be precise. Neither can you press too hard or too lightly. But once the musician maintains their oneness with the bowl presumably it would continue to sing out its perfect pure tone. The only reason it would ever stop singing is if the hand of the player grew tired and then could simply no longer make another precise revolution of its rim.
“It was made with lots of care because you can see all the little marks that the artisan put on it. To just show that he loves the bowl and he created a sound that is unique in this world. This sound you cannot hear anywhere else. Just this bowl will create this sound. It is like our souls. Each of our souls has a sound, and we have to make it play.”
“All singing bowls are unique and all the runners are unique as well. And being unique we all have to express what we are here for, Our Journey’s Goal. The bowl wants to sing. The runners want to run. The bowls are happy when they play their tunes that they have been made to play. And the artisan, God, has made them special, with special ingredients. There are between 7 and 10 different metals in this bowl. So we are all like that. We each have special ingredients that we are made of. And when we do what we are supposed to do, we are happy. ”

“When the runners do what they are called to do, they are happy. So maybe there is a relationship between the race and the bowls.”
If our journey’s goal is success,
Then we will be totally fooled.
If our journey’s goal is progress,
Then God will be proud of us
And we shall be proud of ourselves.
Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 267, Agni Press, 1998