Day 2… Transformation Embodies (June 17)

“I still know who I am after one day in the competition.”

Todor laughs for I have just asked him who he is.   But in fact he is familiar to many in the ultra running community.  He ran the 6 day race in Flushing Meadow in 2017 and did a very good 442 miles.

“I come from Bulgaria and I work as a naval officer in a Naval Defense college where I am a chief assistant professor.   I love running that is why I am here.  It is an amazing competition and an amazing atmosphere.”  He adds that even though he has competed in races all over the world there is no event that he has entered thus far that compares to the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile race.

He is amazed at the feeling of love and support he is receiving from the other runners and also all the organizers and all those who volunteer.  “That feeling is amazing and without it, yesterday would have been much much more difficult for me.”

Todor says that in other competitions he is usually a little faster.  “But here on this concrete with the different weather conditions it is quite complicated.  If the other more experienced runners hadn’t helped me it would have been much different.”

His helper, also named Todor, he says, “helped me a lot.  He is the one who helped the most and without him I would definitely not get 71 miles.”

“My idea yesterday was not to concentrate on speed but instead be steady.  Not to push myself.  If you push yourself you can get more injuries.” Todor is also getting used to just how hard the concrete sidewalk is.

Todor believes that an inner approach to the race is crucial. “If you want to use just your physical to do this I am sure you will find after just one day that it is impossible.  No way.  You have to find some other source.”

“If you go within you will find it easier and just possible to finish the race.”  When obstacles come he feels that you can overcome them with happiness and with inner strength.  You need to have a feeling of oneness with the other runners and with the helpers.”

“We are going forward and forward.”

Continue reading “Day 2… Transformation Embodies (June 17)”

Start of 3100…Transcendence is Perfection (June 16)

Start of the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2019

The board early

Harita and Suhasini setting up

Pushkar looks on

Sahishnu getting one of the counters ready

Setting up the live streaming webcams

Time passes

Still setting up

A crew is here from Brazil

Kaneenika is unable to run the race this year

The world around us

Continue reading “Start of 3100…Transcendence is Perfection (June 16)”

Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race: (June 15) Hope Begins

The 8 runners in this years Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile race

Rupantar’s opening remarks at the race meeting

Ushika, Todor, and Smarana

Suprabha’s short talk

Continue reading “Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race: (June 15) Hope Begins”

Day 10 Ten Day Race/ Day 5 Six Day Race: Do Not Stop

The Ten Day Board

Budjargal leads the 10 Day men with 672 miles

Makula leads the 10 Day Women with 518 Miles

The Six Day Board

Joe leads the 6 Day Men with 364 Miles

Annabel leads the 6 Day women with 345 miles

Ashrita always setting new Guinness World records

Continue reading “Day 10 Ten Day Race/ Day 5 Six Day Race: Do Not Stop”

Day 9 Ten Day Race/ Day 5 Six Day Race: The Hardest Lessons

Ten Day Board

Budjargal leads the 10 Day men with 611 Miles

Makula leads the 6 Day women with 455 miles

The Six Day Board

Joe leads the 6 Day men with 300

Annabel leads the 6 Day women with 287 miles

Budjargal makes 1000 Kilometers

Continue reading “Day 9 Ten Day Race/ Day 5 Six Day Race: The Hardest Lessons”

Day 8 Ten Day Race/ Day 4 Six Day Race: Be In The Present

The Ten Day Board

Budjargal leads the men with 547 Miles

Makula leads the women with 408 miles

The Six Day Board

Joe leads the men in the 6 day with 240 miles

Annabel leads the 6 Day women with 224 Miles

Race Kitchen

A race picture from years ago

Continue reading “Day 8 Ten Day Race/ Day 4 Six Day Race: Be In The Present”

Day 7 Ten Day Race/ Day 3 Six Day Race: A Good Student Of Life

The Ten Day Board

Budjargal leads the 10 day men with 485 Miles

Makula leads the 10 day women with 355

Christian sets a world record

Joe leads men in 6 Day with 180 miles

Annabel leads the 6 day women with 159 miles

Four more days to go

Continue reading “Day 7 Ten Day Race/ Day 3 Six Day Race: A Good Student Of Life”

Day 6 Ten Day Race/ Day 2 Six Day Race 2019: Let Us Go Forward

The Ten Day board after 5 days

Budjargal leads the 10 Day Men

Makula leads the 10 Day women

The Six Day board after 1 Day

Joe leads in the six day

Susan leads in the 6 day

Continue reading “Day 6 Ten Day Race/ Day 2 Six Day Race 2019: Let Us Go Forward”

Day 5 Ten Day / Day 1 Six Day Race 2019: A Higher Power

The Start of the 6 Day race begins at noon

The Board after 4 Days

John Geesler and Joe Feles arriving for the 6 Day race

Saranyu registering

Nikolaus running for the first time along with veteran Joe Cleary

Annabel Hepworth, Australian ultra runner of the year

Susan Marshall

Sahishnu introduces the runners

Continue reading “Day 5 Ten Day / Day 1 Six Day Race 2019: A Higher Power”