Start of 3100…Transcendence is Perfection (June 16)

Start of the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race 2019

The board early

Harita and Suhasini setting up

Pushkar looks on

Sahishnu getting one of the counters ready

Setting up the live streaming webcams

Time passes

Still setting up

A crew is here from Brazil

Kaneenika is unable to run the race this year

The world around us

Introductions of the 8 runners

Smarana is introduced

Ushika is introduced

Vasu won the race last year

Race record holder Ashprihanal

The start



“I am coming back tomorrow”


Nisanga volunteers every year




Getting some early massage


Nirbhasa and Vasu

Pushkar won the Father’s Day marathon






Pushkar counting



A cyclist visiting

Ushika and Max



Rupantar counting

Nirjharini and Leila


Vasu’s feet


Sahishnu wrap up

Utsahi counting

Enthusiasm Awakeners Singing

Transcendence is perfection.
Perfection is transcendence.
When we transcend our capacities,
Immediately we get an inner joy,
An inner thrill,
Which is another name for perfection.
No perfection can ever be achieved
Without self-transcendence.

9 thoughts on “Start of 3100…Transcendence is Perfection (June 16)”

  1. Thanks alot Utpal. And so it begins!!!
    Great to see everything. We appreciate it so much.

  2. Thanks again Utpal for your inspiring and creative reporting, a valuable service for all who can’t be physically there, looking forward to the next 51 days…..

  3. We are looking forward to your daily reports. Congratulations for your continuous effort in sharing your thoughts and pictures.

    Kedar & Nirmala

  4. Best wishes to all the runners! It is just so beyond to cover these daily distances, in these conditons, for so many days – just to do it even once, and here they go again, most of them! I wish our physical eyes could see the special grace, light and energy being manifested in this race and spilling out to the world! Looking so forward to the daily reports, to at least catch a glimpse of it via this blog!

  5. In a way this is the best time of the year, really touching and inspiring a lot of people worldwide.

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