“It was the first year I ran in the race. When I reached 2700 miles, I was passing the counting table and people were congratulating me.” Suprabha ( a fellow runner ) was also there and she also congratulated him.
Of all the support and encouragement offered at that moment Ananda-Lahari says he was basically not receptive. His response, “it’s just numbers.”
Suprabha he says was puzzled by his response. She said, “Isn’t it amazing that Sri Chinmoy comes here every day to play music.”
It was at this moment he says that he realized just how fortunate he was. The significance of his spiritual teacher making a daily appearance to encourage and inspire him and the other runners was suddenly made clear to him.

“I was so exhausted and tired I couldn’t feel what was going on here. For me it was a lesson on how good it is to feel grateful for everything at every moment. But if I cannot do this then I have to work on it. For me it was a really good lesson.”
“The second lesson was I was really exhausted. I was really tired on the last day of the race. I will get there somehow.”

It was at this moment he says when time literally stopped. At this moment Suprabha passed and asked, “how are you?”
His response he said was just to complain about all his ailments. Suprabha said to him, “don’t think about it.” Then she just ran away.
Somehow he says he was jolted out of his misery. “I could run again and also time started running. So I am running at my fastest speed. I entered into my pain and I could just run.”
The board at the start of day 47
Full moon
Vajra and Nisanga
Wei Ming
Vasu and Vajra
Start Day 47
Wei Ming did 59 miles
He now has 2927 miles
Vasu jokingly encourages him to get up and run.
With Crystal
With a mounted picture that had been given to him
The inscription on the back
With a colleague and his wife from military school
Day 47

Snacks have arrived
Vasu ran 62 miles
He now has 2870 miles
Surudhuni and Sumanas
Harita ran 60 miles
She now has 2809 miles
With Samahita
With Sveta
A visit from Yolanda
Nina and Surudhuni
Small talk
Takasumi did 60 miles
He now has 2750 miles
With Nina
Day 47
Sahishnu with mail
Bahula and Yolanda
Stutisheel did 37 miles
He now has 2533 miles
