“About 3 days ago I experienced my rock bottom. I was feeling so heavy and I couldn’t resist the gravity. But for some reason after I passed 2000 miles everything got easier.”
“Of course I was tired but somehow everything got easier.”

“So this race has been my goal. This years race it was not clear whether or not it would be held because of the covid. But the race started, and for me to be part of the race that is everything. I am so happy.”

“Of course to be able to complete the distance that would be my goal but really to be in the race is so nice it is my goal.”

” I would say that my most elated feelings came was the moment the race started, and I started running. That was my most excited elated feeling. But I have to say I try not to get too excited. I prefer to stay calm and stable. That is my overall attitude, and what I am trying to achieve.”
Interview and song by Brahmata
The board at the start of day 38
Takasumi and Nina
Sri Chinmoy ultra photo
Medur and Nisanga
Wei Ming
Start day 38
Andrea ran 75 miles
He now has 2652 miles
With Arpan
Completing 2700 miles

Anjali counting
Music from afar
Wei Ming did 63 miles
He now has 2362 miles
Hot noodles
Vasu did 67 miles
He now has 2312 miles
Harita did 61 miles
She now has 2264 miles
With Rotraud
Pictures for Harita from a New Zealand school
The school also sent gifts for the runners
Stutisheel did 65 miles
He now has 2143 miles
Nina and Suradhuni
A doggy drive by
Ananda-Lahari did 45 miles
He now has 2058 miles
Sri Chinmoy planted this Japanese maple
There was a time
When I had many goals.
Now I have only one goal:
My life’s perfection-progress-goal.
Takasumi–such a model of self-transcendence— going the distance, even under duress– what a great lesson— so many smiles today!!