Over the past few days Andrea’s mileage has spiked. Consistently in the 70 – 71 mile range it has gone up to two days in a row of 76 miles.
“Yes it is a big jump. I guess I am losing quite a bit of weight. So I am getting lighter and lighter. I feel it helps somehow.”
“I try to eat as clean as possible, no junk food. I try to have a good sleep at night. So I am always trying to improve small details. In the end they make a big difference.”

When asked if he is motivated to transcend his previous time in the race. “I see the possibility, so I have it in mind. But the race is so long you never know what is going to happen.”
“I have a daily goal and I have a final goal as well. So for me the race is something that evolves day by day, and I try to do my best.”
“Yesterday what seems to be impossible. Today it will be possible. Tomorrow it will be inevitable.”
“Somehow I knew I could do the job. I try not to push too much.”
“Somehow it is true I did a big jump. 70 to 76 somehow it is a big jump. I am happy I can kind of hold it.”
“My opinion is that probably 70 to 80% of the race is mental power. You have to be focused. You must have determination, and will power. You cannot give an inch to relaxation. You cannot slow down or let things slide even a little bit. Otherwise you collapse.” Andrea suggests that if he were to slacken his focus things could tumble around him like dominoes.
“So I try to be super focused and super concentrated. I don’t even smile sometimes.” (Which then made us both laugh out loud.)
The board at the start of day 34
Wei Ming
Start day 34
Wei Ming did 62 miles
He now has 2110 miles
Doing well
Sarita and Medur
Special deliver Suradhuni
Vasu did 66 miles
He now has 2054 miles
Receiving mail
Doing well
Sasha cleaning Vasu’s shoes
Harita did 62 miles
She now has 2017 miles
Doing well
A man who wanted his picture taken
Antana and Sveta
Takasumi did 58 miles
He now has 1966 miles
Making 2000 miles

Sahishnu explaining a scoring error
Stutisheel did 57 miles
He now has 1906 miles
Anupam with mail for Andrea
Ananda-Lahari did 45 miles
He now has 1841 miles
The impossible
And end by accomplishing
The impossible.
Hi Utpal, so glad you got little treat from Kazakhstan 🙂