Wei Ming tells me that he did not realize just how much the race would affect him. He says this after running another 100km day giving him an 8 day total of 524 miles. A very long distance for any runner. But when you do the quick arithmetic in your head, there is still a shocking distance left ahead, for not just him but also the other 6.
As vulnerable as he sometimes looks Wei Ming has more stamina and energy for a 58 year old man than I have ever seen. He admits that the first 3 days were difficult. This adjustment he says is typical for most multi day runners.
He sometimes wears a hat with some of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna Kala birds printed on it. There is something swift and bird like in his running style. From time to time his arms stretch out from his shoulders almost as if he himself would take flight.

“It has been my lifetime dream to come here and run and achieve my goal. I feel honored and also humbled by all the people who come by. I am really surprised that so many people have come by. I really appreciate it.”

“I feel so inspired by this race I just hope I can inspire and motivate others. Not just from Taiwan, but China, and all of Asia.”
Wei Ming at the conclusion of our interview stops and tells me how much he appreciates how Sri Chinmoy used running to inspire peace within. “I really admire Sri Chinmoy, and I also hope to keep running and inspire others.”
The board at the start of Day 9
Peterson setting up water
Stutisheel and Andrea
Nina and Wei Ming
Harita and Harashita
Wei Ming ready to start
Andrea stretching
Start Day 9
Andrea did 66 miles
All were affected by the crush that came with the first day of school. A new expression has entered conversations, “it’s not Salzburg.” He has 577 miles
He leads Vasu by 48 miles
Vasu ran 59 miles
He has 529 miles and leads Wei Ming by 5 miles
Harita ran 62 miles
She now has 502 miles
Coming through camp with Ro
Stutisheel had a very good day with 64 miles
He now has 478 miles
Looking good
Ananda-Lahari ran 57 miles
He now has 475 miles
Takasumi ran 58 miles
He has 472 miles
With Nina
“I was late for the start what direction are we going today? ”
That will always be perfect
In your lifetime,
And that is the dream
Of self-transcendence.
Sheshe, sheshe!! Thanks for the great interview with Lo Wei Ming— lots of inspiration in his words. Thank you, so nice to have 7 nationalities in the race!
My heart-language
Knows no barriers.
It only runs, flies and dives.
— Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 31 (#30,430)
True, there just might be some linguistic challenges this year. But Wei Ming’s sincerity, humour and respectful commitment is evident. May he, and all the runners, translators and helpers communicate freely through their hearts every step and challenge ahead.
This is really good. Thanks!