Day 15… Highest Self-Transcendence-Height (June 30)

Shin splints are an insidious ailment that have reeked misery and havoc on ultra runners quite possibly from the time early man tried to see just how far he could.   Ushika is deep into his 4th day of continual pain in his lower legs and though his mileage has suffered he has somehow allowed the pain to only bother his outer extremities and not his mood or mental outlook.

Between he and his helper Max, they have investigated every possible solution and remedy and are currently working with a kind of hinge device to relieve pressure.  It is a new experience for both of them and then again, when in the 3100 not about new challenges and experiences.

The two of them are an ideal team.  This was clearly evident last year and Max is once again working tirelessly to support Ushika.  Having him around Ushika says, “is the best solution I could dream of.”

Max is fully committed to his role.  He says he got a good feeling last year when he was first asked.  “I wanted to dive into this world so I saw my chance and took it.”  He says the race last year changed him.  “It changed my whole personality, my whole being, so I hope it gets changed again.”

Ushika says that he continues to work on his devotion in this years race.  “It is a life long process.  My goal is to try and speed it up here.”

As for his physical problems and how he is coping, “I could say that I am surprised myself.  I can see that it is all grace.  I don’t have any anxieties, or mental problems.”  Ushika is not sure how he would have coped if the problems had occurred last year but feels that this time he is better equipped to deal with it.

He feels that there is a great difference between the concept of devotion and to actually live it.  “To think of the process is totally useless but you have to go for it.  You have to try and cry and then let it come.”

Board at the start of Day 15

Sahishnu’s Week #2 Wrap Up

Vajra leaving

Camp early

Medur and Garima


Jadranka counting







Rupantar’s video



Start Day 15

First steps into the light

Warm but pleasant breezes

Ashprihanal leads with 923 miles

He ran 57 miles and is getting over digestive problems

Leads by 12 miles



Nirbhasa has 911 miles

He ran the most miles yesterday with 64

Running strong

Getting taped

Yahva is his helper



Smarana has 888 miles

He ran 60 miles

Running well


Nirjharini and Anita

Vasu has 885 miles

He ran 53 miles yesterday

An encouraging phone call


Ananda-Lahari has 879 miles

He ran 62 miles yesterday



Harita has 829 miles

She ran 63 miles yesterday her best since day 1

With Anita

A busy day on the playing fields

Getting some help from Garima



Mario and Mitch

Todor has 829 miles

He did 63 miles yesterday and wanted to wish his son Ilyan a most happy 15th birthday

With Todor

With his Bulgarian friend Nathan and his kids.  He is passing through on his way to the Vol state race



Nathan again

Ushika has 800 miles

He ran 41 miles yesterday


Message on the shirt



“Good grief, where did this fence come from?  How will we get to the other side to have lunch?”

Daily Poem held by Pranika

God’s Eye

Is God’s

sleepless companion


His aspiring-children

God’s Heart

Is God’s

Breathless Concern


His serving children

Sri Chinmoy June 30th 2006

Enthusiasm Awakeners

Your goal is the highest
No lesser goal must you accept!

3 thoughts on “Day 15… Highest Self-Transcendence-Height (June 30)”

  1. Wonderful and varied video Utpal. Thanks very much for all that you do.

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