At 12 noon today the first 24 hours was completed, and so Day 2 began.
Yolanda is very happy with her 24 hour total
Completing that first 24 hours is a big step for all the runners.
Everything must change,
But it has to start
From deep within.
Some very good totals have appeared on the board after the first day.
Andrey and Kobi. Kobi is the race leader with 112 miles
Andrey has 72 miles.
The energy of Spring can be felt on this magnificent day.
Budjargal did 90 miles.
The counters have been busy
Vinati has 61 miles
Elena has 72.
Feet are getting tired
Georgs is describing to Sahishnu why he is so happy to have finished 77 miles.
Still beautiful
Gautami has 76 miles
Cooks preparing lunch
Giribhu has 71 miles
A perfect day
The little things
Kalpa has 71 miles
Gudrun getting some lunch
Gudrun has 65 miles.
By the lake
Kimberly is in 3rd place with 81 miles in her first 10 day race.
Michael Korol has 81 miles.
In perfect bloom
Getting a little help in medical
Michel Gouin has 60 miles
Manoshri has 84 miles and is in 2nd place of the women
Sri Chinmoy Peace garden.
Making sure the numbers add up.
Nataliya has 80 miles
Patanga has 65 miles and has started a chess game with Karteek.
Ratuja has 57 miles
Staying happy
Nearly time for the daffodils.
Pedrag is doing his first 10 day race. He has 66 miles.
Sarah leads the women with 90 miles
Sandro with 63 miles
Volodymyr taking a break
He has 77 miles
Never getting lost
Ushika getting some pacing. He has 70 miles
So delicate
Sergey has 80 miles
Cooks taking a break
Karteek has 60 miles and Janos has 70.
Counters never forget.
Karnayati has 62 miles
Not just yet
Victor has 57 miles
Soren has 85 miles
Suparna has 62 miles
Yolanda by the Grand Central
A perfect first day.
Try not to change the world.
You will fail.
Try to love the world.
Lo, the world is changed. Changed forever.
Thank you for bringing us into the joyful self-transcendence moments. We feel our oneness with everyone, and look forward to every word.
Gratefully reading each day’s unfolding story!
Thanks Utpal – the photos are just fantastic. Somehow the race seems very close even though we are so far in Johannesburg. We have also watched all your videos on the Sri Chinmoy Races site – spectacular!