June 23: Conquer Yourself

There are unfortunate moments in all our lives when we unwittingly define ourselves by what we cannot do.  It perhaps may be more accurate to clarify this even further and add, what we will not even willingly attempt to do.  If there is any lesson to be gained by observing the Self Transcendence runners who are at every moment climbing higher and diving deeper is  that impossibility and a lack of willingness cannot possibly coexist with  their heart’s boundless enthusiasm and their life’s soulful momentum.  That is not to say stray doubts and niggling worries don’t sometimes nip at their foot steps and try and wedge and creep themselves into their thoughts.  Ultimately bearing a burden of too much negativity of any sort will eventually shipwreck them on the shores of their own self imposed limitations.


Even impossible critics

Discovered in him

A perfect stranger

To fear-mountain

And doubt-forest.

ri Chinmoy, Mother, Your 50th Independence-Anniversary! I Am Come. Ever in Your Eternity’s Cries And Your Infinity’s Smiles, Subhas, Agni Press, 1997.

Sri Chinmoy continues to be a constant beacon of inspiration to those who crave and strive for their self perfection.  He is a figure whose sun bright life seemed to exist without gloomy limitation or dark boundaries of any kind no matter what he attempted.  Injury and age where just obstacles in his tireless life of service to humanity that he continually knocked down and refused to surrender to.  He attempted to wake up a dissatisfied sleeping world by showing us all that heaven was not an impossible goal but well within our grasp just inside our own hearts.  All we need do is inwardly cry and outwardly try.

In a world in which impossibility is regularly ignored some conventions of the material world persist.

Human bodies pushed to the outer limits of their capacity still require rest.  Runners have to find their way here each day one way or another and wet shoes must dry.

Start Day 7


“For me it is not routine.”  This is now Atmavir’s 6th year in a row running the 3100.  “I am always grateful to come here.  The motivation is different each year.”

“Smarana did it 7 times in a row and he really inspired me in this way.  Next year if I am healthy I would love to come back.  This is number 6 and it is just the beginning.” (laughter)

For the first time in the race he ran the most miles yesterday.  I tell him that Pranjal had given me this news earlier.  “At least once I beat Pranjal, and on one day I stayed longer than him.  He left at 11 and I stayed longer.  I told him that I was tougher on that particular day.  That is something because he is staying always until midnight.  It is not easy to challenge him.”  (Last night Pranjal did his last lap with just seconds to spare)

“This year to me is really special, because there are here 3 top runners, Sarvagata, Grahak, and Vasu.  All of them are very good runners, and all of them have helpers.  I guess they will have really good results.”

“I was really inspired also by Vasu.  He is not just a very good runner he is an advanced soul to me.  In the past I have always learned the most from Russian disciples in my spiritual life.  That has been my experience.  They are always very humble and sincere.”

“Before I came my friend told me, you don’t have to win, first conquer yourself.  So I am trying to follow this philosophy this year.  I am also inspired by the others they are very good.  Grahak looks very strong.  It is very good company.  Although we miss Ashprihanal this year.  They are all very nice boys.  So far I am enjoying it.”

“Conquering yourself means focusing more on your self and try and work on your own consciousness.”

Yesterday Atmavir also had a very powerful experience.  It came just after the flash and boom of the thunderstorms had subsided.  He called it a dream or a visualization in which he pictured Arjuna just about to fire his bow when before doing so he first focused on Lord Krishna and then on the arrow which he placed taught within his bow.  “Then Lord Krishna appeared behind Arjuna and he put his hand on his arm.  He smashed all his doubts, everything.  It was just one pointed concentration, nothing else.  It came to me yesterday evening.  This kind of conquering of yourself, is just like Arjuna focusing on the arrow and on the goal.”

Click to play interview



“I am so inspired.  They are the most beautiful divine warriors.  Because they are out there every morning and out there until midnight every night.  It is just amazing”  It is a Saturday morning and just like she does each and every Saturday Snehashila has just completed running 2 miles on the loop across the street.

“I wish I had come on the path when I was young.  I would have done that,” pointing to the 3100 mile runners as they go by.

And for those who just think or feel they might be too old to run or exercise at all, Snehashila will turn 87 in July.

“Every Saturday when I am in town I am here, Sri Chinmoy loved this race.  He loved the 2 miles he came every Saturday.



Click to play interview


Click to play music by Antara Prabhat and Kodanda

Antara-Prabhat Kodanda 6-23-12(2)

“It is very nice, because out of my feeling of love for the runners.  I feel as though I am running along with them, and I feel like I am covering an infinite number of miles.  Miles, miles, miles.

It intensely makes me feel that one day humanity, and this is only part of it, that humanity will grow beyond boundless means.  Boundless capacities, become super human like Aurobindo and Sri Chinmoy spoke about.  This is my world.  It is the world of Sri Chinmoy leading humanity into a greater design so that he can manifest the Supreme’s dream.”

Click to play interview



Karibe recites the Poem of the daypoem


Enthusiasm Awakeners

Click to play





Conquer yourself.
You will be so happy, pleased and proud
That you have not desired
To conquer others.



Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 34, Agni Press, 1982.

One thought on “June 23: Conquer Yourself”

  1. Well Utpal……

    You’re a great reporter! Nice to have you out there in the field checking us all out.

    Thank you very much!!!

    In God’s sweet Heart,


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