July 22: Everything Is Part Of The Race

“How can you have a good story about food poisoning?”

Surasa smiles back with her bright inexhaustible enthusiasm, “I have a very good story about it.”


Starting on day 6, in the very earliest part of the race Surasa was having some real stomach problems.  “At one point we went to a Doctor.  The Doctor said to me…..You are sick! You have to rest for 24 hours!…..and no food.”

After this Surasa came back to the race and was wondering what should she do.  “It was clear to me.  I cannot rest for 24 hours.  Than I decided that I would run, but I will not eat.  I will give some rest to my stomach. Of course this was very stupid.”


“The nice part of this story is that when I came back to the race.  When I started running it was somehow like I was running on my first day. (energy and strength) She was so shocked that she was feeling so good.  “I felt so strong and I felt that I could run.  I was running so fast.  My feeling was that the course was completely flat.”

“It was a new start, a new beginning of the whole race.  I was so happy inside and grateful.”  But here Surasa felt she made a big mistake and did not take any food.  Her instinct was that it was okay for her to eat, “but the Doctor was too strong.  You see how stupid the mind can be.  You get the message but because the Doctor said no food, I obeyed the Doctor and not my inner feeling.”


“Of course after a while I got tired running so fast without food.  This is absolutely stupid.  By the evening I was very very tired.  So I went home early.  The next day I was very very weak, because I had not eaten.” So the next day she had to eat a lot and slowly her energy came back.

Surasa does not focus on her day to day results.  She mentions at one point how surprised she was so see that her name had moved from the right board to the left one.  The board that shows the mileage of the top 6 runners.  She should not be surprised by this, nor by the other wonderful possibilities that she is also drawing closer and closer to.


She ran 64.2 miles yesterday, which gives her 2368 miles.  If it is possible for her to continue like this she will, like Ashprihanal, set a new race standard for women.  Her average mileage to date is 62.32 miles per day.  Suprabha’s record set in 1998 is and average of 62.49 miles a day.



When asked about the finish line, “it is coming closer.  It is a nice thing.  It goes faster and faster.”

“This is a nice place for me.  I have had a real good time.  Everything is part of the race.  Everything is fine.”

Click to Play Interview:


The weather last year for the race was extraordinarily mild by New York standards.  This year, other than a few hot days, it has been a blessing.


That short lull before a long hard day


It will reach 88 today but there is a gentle breeze and not the heavy burden of humidity.


Yesterday’s heat has had its results.  Ashprihanal had 72 miles yesterday.


Start Day 39


Ashprihanal now has 2904 miles completed.


He is 72 miles ahead of the old record… A full day.


He even continues to do his skits… This one about a flea circus.


Sometime on Friday his epic journey will be complete.


Galya’s birthday yesterday was both joyous and extraordinarily difficult.  He ran his 70 mile day but only just.  He struggled right up until midnight to make it.  Very very hard he says.


He now has 2740 miles and an incredible average.  The streak though is precious as well.  He has 360 more miles to go.


Vasu had 71 miles yesterday.


His total is 2643 miles


To Understand just how precious the course is to him just look what he is carrying in his right hand.  Moments earlier he stopped to pick up trash that was on the sidewalk.


Ripe and ready.


Yesterday Yuri ran 64 miles.  But it was far from easy.


He had real problems with the heat and humidity.  He now has 2576 miles.  The hot and humid days may be past for him as he pushes to the goal.


Atmavir struggles to find his running gears.  He did 40 miles yesterday.


He now has 2405 miles.  You can see where he is seeking for help.


Still there and still going


Kaneenika had 62 miles yesterday.


She now has 2291 miles


Nicolai picking the healing leaves for Vasu’s feet.


Bipin working on a trailer hitch


Larisa and company working on music.


Click to Play:


Something to smile about.


Stutisheel had 64 miles yesterday.


He now has 2285 miles.


He is running well.


Nirbhasa had 60 miles yesterday.


He now has 2284 miles.  One less than Stutisheel.


Misha made a food face. Eating optional, enjoying absolutely.


Baladev had 47 miles yesterday.  He now has 2019 miles.


So delicate and so strong.


Ananda-lahari had 45 miles yesterday.  He has 1993 miles.


Mitch Proffman is the semi official chiropractor of not just the 3100 mile race but also the 6 and 10 day race as well. His service is much appreciated by everyone and of course most particularly the runners who have put thousands of miles on their bodies over the last 38 days.

“What I have noticed is that very few of the runners complain about anything.”  Mitch recalls asking someone why they too didn’t run the 6 day race.  They told him, “I don’t want to suffer that much.  Than I said there is a very famous quote.  Pain is inevitable.  Pain is optional.”


“I always loved that quote.  The reason I love that quote is because it is Germain to the runners.  When you think about it doing 3100 miles, 50 to 60 miles a day.  Everyone is going to suffer.  Everyone is going to be in pain.”

“What the runners have decided is that the pain is inevitable. But the suffering is optional.  I liken it as well to when people have problems.  Is the glass half full or half empty.  We get to choose.”


“There is nobody that could do 3100 miles on this concrete rock hard surface.  Point .58 miles, day in and day out, and not be in pain.  But are they suffering.  I think with the disciples, what they have taught me is that is the optional part.  Of course they are in pain.  I know the agony of a marathon.  But to do 2 or 3 marathons a day.”


“They are working with a higher source energy.  They are working with Sri Chinmoy.  They are working with the higher realms of thought. So they are not suffering in the classic sense.  So when I am working on the runners they are not complaining much.”

“That is why I love coming out here.  These runners and these disciples have taught me that pain is inevitable and suffering is optional.”

Click to Play Interview:


Katya recites the Daily Prayer


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Katya Prayer

Enthusiasm Awakeners


Click to Play:


Everything is as important
And indispensable
As everything else in God’s creation.
Try to see the divine
In everything,
With everything
Plus, for everything.


3 thoughts on “July 22: Everything Is Part Of The Race”

  1. Thank you Utpal,

    The journey is the destination
    Every day to read you is a joy.
    Please give my best to Nirbasa!


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