Enthusiasm, enthusiasm,
God’s main food,
He begs me to eat
For my good.
Sri Chinmoy, Enthusiasm, part 1, December 19, 1999

Their performance lasts less than an hour. Their audience, if you can call them that, rarely hears more than a snatch from a phrase of any of the perhaps dozen songs they sing each morning. Occasionally a sleepy teacher on their way into the nearby school will hear something, and awaken just a little.
You often see smiles brighten across tired faces as they pass this group of girls who wear a different colored t shirt each day. On a good day you might call them a choir but it is such a loose and friendly mix of short English songs the word choir sounds just a little too grand. But yet the more you listen to these simple sweet songs that are constantly changing every day you sense quite a bigger thing behind this group of girls lined up in front of a brick wall at 6:40 every morning.
There is a beginning to everything if you look hard and close enough at it. The 14 runners who orbit pass the girls and the school and the big fat block have their own rhyme and reason for doing what they do. They are of course the main audience and reason for just why this little performance happens here. Just as it has been going on now for 9 long summers.
The arch and trajectory of the runners is a lot more easy to trace and to understand, because just down the block a big yellow plastic board clearly says it all. They are trying to run 3100 miles. As of this morning they have been circling for 42 days and today is 43. The end of it all will come a little quicker for some but for all the rest when day 53 comes the block will be empty of both runners and singers and the great event will come to rest for another year.
The whys and wherefores of how Sri Chinmoy created so many things we might never really understand. For how do you combine sport, literature, art, and music after all. And how does his legacy continue to be perpetuated in events so difficult as this one, running 3100 miles. Or just what is it that compels a group of girls to come here each day and sing songs to a world that looks as though they barely notice as they pass them by.
But of course they do notice and they do treasure the little jewels of sound and music that the girls so lovingly offer up. Stutisheel who has been coming here since before the girls began to sing says, “I cannot imagine the 3100 without the Enthusiasm Awakeners. It would be incomplete.”
“They are the most sincere group. They are not singing for applause or appreciation.”
Over the years many groups were formed who sang and still continue to sing some of the thousands of songs that Sri Chinmoy wrote. In December of 1999 he asked a crucial question of Parvati, the groups leader. One that 15 years on still continues to inspire, challenge, and fulfill her like nothing else. He asked her simply enough, would she like her own singing group.
Knowing that all his other groups sang his Bengali songs she responded directly and honestly to his request with, what sounded like hesitation then, but now sounds like an epiphany. She confessed that she found it hard to pronounce Bengali.
Sri Chinmoy on Music The Universal Language
Click On Picture:
Sometimes it looks like a Spiritual Master throws dice but the outcome of it all was probably exactly what he was trying to subtly encourage to happen in the first place. That is create this unique musical group that sings only his English songs. There was no end of material for her and her hastily put together group to sing. For he was writing songs at such a prodigious rate. In fact there was more than enough material for all the groups to sing even if they tried to learn a new song each day.
So by 2006 Parvati’s group had amassed 1225 songs. She thought, let me honor Sri Chinmoy’s 75th birthday that year and come to the race and sing every song. That would mean singing 75 songs for 17 days. No joke.
Now when 2007 came Sri Chinmoy asked her if she was not going to come out and do the same thing again. She said, well we already did it, didn’t we? “What? 76 is not significant?”
She discussed it with her members and they agreed to come out every morning and sing, it was the right thing to do, she says now as she looks back at it, and all the beautiful summers since. Self Transcendence comes in many different shapes, dimensions, and colors after all.
Sri Chinmoy over fhs course of that long hot summer composed 65 songs just for her group. It was an amazing and fulfilling inspiration for her and her group that just continues to shine and grow. She says of 2007 now, “it was the summer of Grace.”
On this day now 7 years past, Sri Chinmoy asked them to come down from the stands at a function so that he could teach them a song. Something he had down hundreds of times by now. After a while it finally occurred to Parvati that the song he was teaching them was now the name of her group. Enthusiasm Awakeners.
Stutisheel says, “they are singing most sincerely and most soulfully. Beaming with joy. Giving everything to the runners, so I can really appreciate them. Over the years these qualities they have have increased. Today which is their anniversary they have given me so much joy. Sincere, soulful, pure, it is just amazing. And I like the songs they are singing.”
He says he heard one song in particular that was about joy. “It helps with our outer journey and our inner realization.”
He is also amazed at just how much effort went into their anniversary celebration this morning. They came long before their performance to put up decorations and set out special treats for the runners. “We really appreciate them.”
Click to Play Interview: