Things have been getting hotter here for the past few days and it is not the weather. There is a new and exciting level of intensity that has been slowly building amongst the top 3 runners. You can clearly see it on their lap sheets, with each day bearing a staggering new total. It is also something expressed in just the raw speed of which some are running, and never seeming to stop for barely a breath. In each a fire has been lit. Whether it pushes them to a tremendous new standard of performance or simply causes them to implode like the side of a tired volcano, the next few days will surely tell the tale.
Now to be clear, this does not include Pranjal the unofficial flag bearer for consistency. As of last night he was pushed out of second place and is now currently in 3rd. He lives and thrives in his own unique world. Consistent, and superbly disciplined. He is almost unaffected by all the to and fro that happens around and about him. He remains poised and content and listens to a tempo all his own. One that is unflinching in its absolute commitment to offer up all that he has each and ever day.
It is with Ashprihanal, Igor, and Sarvagata that the winds now suddenly blow hot and strong. It is really a bit of a mystery that just suddenly appeared, spinning around and around in plain sight. It is not obvious what it really is or how it started just that it exists for now like a galloping firestorm and 3 runners have sparks flying off their heels.
To illustrate visually how this is playing out you only have to look at each of their laps over the past few days. Ashprihanal has increased every day for the past 3 days. His numbers went from 132, to 136, and then to 137. This means that yesterday Ashprinal ran a phenomenal 75 miles. Igor also increased from 125, to 127, to 133. Yesterday he ran almost 73 miles and moved decisively into the second spot by running 11 laps more than Pranjal.
Sarvagata, the man currently in 4th also increased from 128, to 134, to 136 laps. This means that he ran just one lap less than Ashprihanal yesterday and if he somehow keeps it up, he will most likely pass Pranjal and take 3rd in 2 days time.
It is a race of such incredible length that anything can happen. Perhaps by now everyone has simply kicked off the last of winter’s dust. Their muscles are warmed up and particularly the 2 new runners, Igor and Sarvagata, simply want to push the envelop, see what their engines can really handle. What ever it is that is actually going on it certainly appears as though somehow all of them have found themselves caught in the swirling mix of self fulfilling excellence that hasn’t been seen here on this scale for some time.
To be frank this is purely a hypothesis from a side line observer. But it would appear that the pot is being stirred, and each of the 3 has plunged their spoons into the mix all the way. For Ashprihanal, he knows that at least for now he has a cushion of 41 miles. Not one that can provide comfort for long, and definitely not if he has any kind of a bad spell or slips out of top gear in any way. He is after all the wile veteran who stayed just ahead of another Ukrainian champion Galya last year by just 30 miles at the finish. For him this kind of thing is a motivation to really open up and fly.
For the Igor and Sarvagata, this is why they came. To run a race and leave nothing behind. They both have hungered a long time to be a part of this total commitment to the experience of Self Transcendence, and they are now showing that they have taken off the training wheels and have become what they have sought.
Apologies, please note that there will be no new reports for the next 7 Days
Continue reading “June 30: Do All That I Can”