Sarvagata’s sister, Sarvadhara is with her brother on this his final few hours here at the race. This morning he will simply continue to do what he has done now for so many long days. At the end of this day though, he needs go no further, and what is more, he will also be the champion.
He has but 55 miles more to go now, so small a gap it is almost as though his foot is already poised to step at last across the finish line. Just a few laps more, when compared to all the suffering and joy he has experienced and endured now for 44 days. Using an American expression, I tell her that what he has left to do now is but a ‘piece of cake.’ I ask her if there might be a better expression in Ukrainian. She says his race is like a, ‘Gift from Heaven.’ Her expression is much better.
It was a little more than a month ago that she was able to visit her brother only briefly before having to leave for Chicago. “He has changed a lot. Outwardly his appearance has changed. He became darker and thinner. (laughter) And stronger. Also I feel that something inside him also changed. He became more sensitive, more subtle. It is difficult to explain, but he is like a soul here. I cannot see his body, it is something very new for me. Any way he is my brother and I feel a deep connection with him. I am very happy that I am here and can be in touch with his experience.”
When I saw her last she was a little disappointed that she would not be able to spend the entire time helping her brother. In fact she was able to be with him for less than a day. “Of course in every situation we have to see some positive sides. We just have to look for it. If I couldn’t be here I feel it was very important for me to dive deep within and try to feel what is going on. But it is better to be here.” (laughter)
Instead of being her brother’s helper the job fell upon the very capable and tireless shoulders of Dimitry. “When you have a supporter it is definitely easier to run.” She describes how he supported Sarvagata both inwardly and outwardly. On a practical level he simply had to rarely stray from the straightest possible course. Those few extra steps Dimitry did for him, she says. “Every lap, 4 or 5 steps. He saved time and he saved energy for Sarvagata.”
Click to Play Part 1