“I think it really helps running with people when you are in a low spot. I just did a long race 5 days ago and I am really struggling.” It may seem a little peculiar for an experienced multi day runner to be having a tough time just a few hours into a 10 race. There is after all still a lot of real estate between her and the finish line.
But for Sarah Barnett from Adelaide, as good as she is at modesty, she is undeniably world class when it comes to multi day running. It will take me some time to check on what exactly the race was she ran a couple of days earlier. As it turns out she had come here almost immediately from the Athens Ultramarathon festival in Greece where she placed 5th overall in the 1000 km race in 9 days and 12 hours.
When I meet her on the first day it is early afternoon and she has so far completed about 25 miles. At that time she is running with Dasha Yashina a first time runner from Russia. They are moving comfortably and their conversation seems like they have been friends for years and not just a few hours. Sarah says, “people are being really kind.” She was unable to attend last years race due to some complications involving a passport gone astray. She has regularly attended the race over the last few years. Now she says, “I want to see if it is possible to put 2 races together. Now I am wondering if it is such a good idea, and laughs.” In the 2009 race she ran 684 miles.
“We have to have faith, and not put our trust in our negative minds.” Her goal is simple, to do better than she did 2 years ago. After saying this she immediately adds, that if if she cannot do it, she will still be happy. Sarah of course is an elite runner. It would be easy to expect some bravado from such a talented athlete, but the opposite seems to be the case with her. Her humility shines on a day when the sky is grey and the winds blow and push almost constantly. Sometime later she will come up to me after our initial chat and say, that while she is here she wants to take the unique opportunity of being at the race and feel as though she is surrendering to her own spirituality. Let it express itself through her running and let the results speak for themselves.
One can of course hope to come away from races, both big and small, with world records and great achievements. This is after all the day it was announced that the record in the marathon was broken. Self Transcendence however is something deep and it is something intensely personal. The counters cannot mark it down nor can reporters with microphones record it. We bystanders may be fortunate once in a while to see a certain smile and a glow about those who have stepped into a new realm. We might, but most likely we cannot see beyond the boundaries of our own world and limitations.
Sarah has started something remarkable today. A 10 day race so soon after a 1000km one. It is impossible to predict any outcome for her this soon and with so far to go. Yet despite this one still has to appreciate the strength and courage she has to undertake such a thing. We all can be inspired by it, and wish her only the best. Perhaps in just learning about a feat such as hers, a hope may be nurtured within us all, that maybe someday we too can perhaps attempt the impossible as well, and transcend ourselves from within.