The runners have all now completed 5 full weeks of running. That is 35 straight 18 hour days. If you or I, or in fact most of the world set to work for that same period of time we certainly would most likely want to see some obvious benefit. A reward, that we could hoist aloft or even some fancy folded paper that could be stuffed into a bank account. At the end of the road for these 10 athletes there is no tangible reward whatsoever. Perhaps some bragging rights if you were that kind of person but certainly none of them are that. What all of them in fact do receive is applause and songs and as much congratulations as can be mustered by a hastily assembled group of enthusiastic friends and well wishers.
What most of the runners will tell you, is that it is in fact the journey along the way, that is the important thing and not the goal itself. That gleefully striding into the boisterous bright cacophony of the finish line is not what the 3100 mile race is about at all. It is the day to day moments that shape and form a new way, of not just looking at yourself, but also at the world around you. Most of course will obviously become the most trim and fit of their lives but in absolute transcendence the transformation of the physical is just a tiny first step to much deeper and grander experiences.
Igor had been cruising along the first 2 weeks of the race running in the high 60 mile range. On day 15 something changed and he suddenly became a 70 plus miles a day runner. From then, until just 2 days ago, he appeared indomitable. Then on the day of the full moon, he had problems, and slipped back to 64 miles. Yesterday he seemed to regain his form and reached his usual standard of 131 laps(71 miles.) He says that it was a problem with his liver and that Kaushal reached into his bag of potions and found just the right fix. Also he has been advised to adjust his diet. “I like pasta a lot but after that I had serious problems.”
He has now run much much further than he has ever run before. He says, “I have learned that the body can adjust and adapt to such enormous loads. That you can even feel normal after running for such a long time.”