“I was curious as to what motivated these people to walk these great distances.” On a very hot Saturday afternoon I come across a man, who almost looks as though he is in some kind of trance. Martin McNiff is not spaced out however he is in fact very much tuned into the steamy world of activity circulating around him. He looks at the board with its impressive jumbled mountain of numbers and he is in awe.
“I feel that it is more than a physical thing, it is a spiritual thing that drives these people. I feel that they are in touch with a higher power, and that is where they get their energy, and they are able to do that.” He had heard about the race from his son. He lives a fair distance off in the near but far reaches of Long Island but was drawn to come and see it for himself.
He reads an article about the race, posted on the fence, written by the Wall Street Journal. It is a thoughtful informative piece but doesn’t go very far in exploring the deeper aspects of the motivation driving the runners forward or what the atmosphere is like just being there, and standing on the sidewalk.
I ask if he feels any unique inner experience by being here. “Without a doubt I feel it. It is more than being physically fit. I feel they are being driven. That it is greater than just being physically fit.” He believes that some of that same energy inspired him to come by today. “I believe in the spiritual. It is a different source of power. I believe we are all beneficiaries of a higher power.”
He has been an admirer of the founder of the race, Sri Chinmoy, for many years. He is not surprised that such an event still takes place in his name. He was particularly inspired by all the spectacular lifting events that Sri Chinmoy regularly participated in. “I remember him from many years ago from the physical end of it. I was an athlete myself. I was always intrigued with the physical strength that this man had. I remember reading about him.”
He recalls some of the lifts that Sri Chinmoy used to do on a regular basis by lifting large groups of people and heavy objects resting on large platforms. “He wasn’t muscular. He didn’t look like an Arnold Schwarzenegger. He didn’t train in gyms, but he was able to get this strength from his spiritual, from inside. He was able to do this. It always fascinated me to read about this.”
“His feeling is still going.” He gazes with such respect as the sweaty runners continue to pass by. He wonders why more of the world is not aware of this miracle taking place on a hot hard Queens sidewalk. He shakes his head and eventually leaves the course. He says he will come back soon.