It is self evident that there are some things in this world of ours which we judge to be eternal. They may be man made monuments forged from the sturdy elements of the earth, and it also might be the grand inspiring works of nature itself. Most often we connect to them spontaneously and deeply. We need make no mental note or comment, for they touch us from within, and immediately remind us that on the scale of eternity our lives and accomplishments, will unlikely be long remembered in any way whatsoever.
Yet the minute speck which is our life is ours to cherish while we can. We can find ways to make the tiny spark of our life glow as if it was heaven’s sun itself.
Last night Dharbasan’s and Nandana’s daughter Shakti drew a large cat on the sidewalk in front of the support vehicles. It took her quite a while to make it and while doing so she had to keep her eyes out for the runners and other pedestrians who passed over it regularly. Almost from the moment it was created it was already starting to fade. When Dharbasana arrives this morning he is quite surprised to see that it is still there.
He in particular will still be inspired by it all day and eventually there will be no trace of the cat or the words, ‘Good Luck,’ at all.
Most, if not all of the runners, if they are fortunate will finish the 3100 in a little more than a month in and a half. Those millions of individual steps they took along the way will ultimately end up being but a blur of motion in their minds eye. Those countless days of sun and heat and cool and rain will just become part and parcel of a gigantic embrace of a New York summer.
One can hope that the tough cruel days of pain and fatigue will be quickly forgotten but most likely they will not. Aches and pains will haunt them for a long time after. But what should endure are those divine moments in which their hearts rose up and they were no longer bound by the earth or even their own humanity. When they recognized that tantalizing thread that connects us all with the divine. That they see that God himself is ultimately acting in and through them, and through us all.