Most of us like to think of ourselves as being self sufficient. That no matter what the task in front of us might be, we will never feel any need to turn to others for support or help of any kind. It really depends of course upon, just how wide the independence streak is, painted up and down your backbone.
By hook or by crook we try somehow on our own, to find a way to get the job done. In the 3100 mile race the demands are just so great it is also nearly impossible to find someone who is willing and able to help for all the hours of running that exist over the course of a long hot summer. Add to that, finding both the elusive chemistry of compatibility, an ever attentive disposition, and more importantly a sense of selflessness that allows you to slip invisibly into the life and needs of the runner.
In a car race it is impossible for them to take place at all, no matter the distance without a pit crew. In the grand scheme of things of course the Self Transcendence race could not even begin to exist without a very large and enthusiastic umbrella group that helps the unique machinery of the race to seemingly revolve almost invisibly. On an inner level all who are here and taking part are acutely aware of the inner support and energy that wells up constantly from within. If you think you can do this one on your own you will most likely be unpleasantly surprised.
Both Stutisheel and Surasa have experienced support for much of the day. The little things that snatch steps and seconds away are eliminated when you never have to stray even for a moment from the course. Dimitry is a part time helper for first time runners Sarvagata and Igor. He had no experience at this and yet he arrives cheerfully and willingly every morning. Slips away for part of the day to take care of other chores, and then returns to look after these 2 magnificent rookies from the Ukraine until the very end of their day.